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- Title
Magnetic resonance imaging during warm ex vivo kidney perfusion.
- Authors
Schutter, Rianne; van Varsseveld, Otis C; Lantinga, Veerle A; Pool, Merel B F; Hamelink, Tim H; Potze, Jan Hendrik; Leuvenink, Henri G D; Laustsen, Christoffer; Borra, Ronald J H; Moers, Cyril
- Abstract
The shortage of donor organs for transplantation remains a worldwide problem. The utilization of suboptimal deceased donors enlarges the pool of potential organs, yet consequently, clinicians face the difficult decision of whether these sub-optimal organs are of sufficient quality for transplantation. Novel technologies could play a pivotal role in making pre-transplant organ assessment more objective and reliable.
- Publication
Artificial organs, 2023, Vol 47, Issue 1, p105
- Publication type
Journal Article