Back to matchesWe found a matchYour institution may have access to this item. Find your institution then sign in to continue.TitleKernel Neutrosophic Crisp Sets.AuthorsAli, Reyadh D.; Jabar, L. A. A.; Qahtan, Ghassan A.; Shakir, Ali YounisAbstractOur study focuses on the concept of the kernel with in neutrosophic crisp sets (NCSS) and its relationship with the separation axioms of NCTS, coinciding, and shedding light on the properties that characterize them.SubjectsNEUTROSOPHIC logic; AXIOMS; SET theory; KERNEL (Mathematics); MATHEMATICSPublicationInternational Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS), 2025, Vol 25, Issue 2, p263ISSN2692-6148Publication typeAcademic JournalDOI10.54216/IJNS.250222