Back to matchesWe found a matchYour institution may have access to this item. Find your institution then sign in to continue.TitleAnalysis of Complexing and Adsorption Properties of Dithiocarbamates Based on Cyclic and Aliphatic Amines for Gold Ore Flotation.AuthorsMatveeva, T. N.; Gromova, N. K.; Lantsova, L. B.SubjectsADSORPTION (Chemistry); DITHIOCARBAMATES; ALIPHATIC amines; GOLD ores; FLOTATION; CHALCOPYRITE; ARSENOPYRITEPublicationJournal of Mining Science, 2020, Vol 56, Issue 2, p268ISSN1062-7391Publication typeAcademic JournalDOI10.1134/S1062739120026745