Back to matchesWe found a matchYour institution may have access to this item. Find your institution then sign in to continue.TitleDetection of Cholera Toxin in Culture Medium by Dot-Immunoassay on Dipsticks.AuthorsBoyko, A. V.; Mikheeva, E. A.; Zakharova, T. L.; Osina, N. A.AbstractAn instrument-free method for detecting the ability of Vibrio cholerae strains to produce toxin has been developed. It is based on dot-ELISA performed on dipstiks. Dipsticks require 100 times less monoclonal antibodies than microplate ELISA.SubjectsCHOLERA toxin; VIBRIO cholerae; MONOCLONAL antibodies; TOXINSPublicationApplied Biochemistry & Microbiology, 2023, Vol 59, Issue 8, p1113ISSN0003-6838Publication typeAcademic JournalDOI10.1134/S0003683823080045