Back to matchesWe found a matchYour institution may have access to this item. Find your institution then sign in to continue.TitleAssociation between preeclampsia and autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: an intergenerational analysis.AuthorsMaher, G. M.; Dalman, C.; O'Keeffe, G. W.; Kearney, P. M.; McCarthy, F. P.; Kenny, L. C.; Khashan, A. S.SubjectsATTENTION-deficit hyperactivity disorder; AUTISM spectrum disorders; PREECLAMPSIAPublicationActa Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2020, Vol 142, Issue 4, p348ISSN0001-690XPublication typeAcademic JournalDOI10.1111/acps.13180