Back to matchesWe found a matchYour institution may have access to this item. Find your institution then sign in to continue.TitleDevelopment and Production of New High-Strength Steel.AuthorsPavlov, A. A.; Eremin, G. N.; Semenov, V. V.; Evtukhov, V. L.; Telegin, V. E.; Kartunov, A. D.; Shilyaev, P. V.AbstractTechnological aspects of creating a new brand of high-strength steel in the modern industrial conditions of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works are considered.SubjectsMAGNITOGORSKIY Metallurgicheskiy Kombinat PAO; STEEL; STEEL mills; IRONWORK; HOT rolling; STEEL metallurgyPublicationMetallurgist, 2024, Vol 67, Issue 9/10, p1247ISSN0026-0894Publication typeAcademic JournalDOI10.1007/s11015-024-01616-6