Back to matchesWe found a matchYour institution may have access to this item. Find your institution then sign in to continue.TitleCorrection to: Near infrared laser irradiation induces NETosis via oxidative stress and autophagy.AuthorsMigliario, Mario; Tonello, Stelvio; Rocchetti, Vincenzo; Rizzi, Manuela; Renò, FilippoAbstractThe published online version contains mistake on the author names. The first names and family names were interchanged. Corrected names are shown in the author group section above.SubjectsOXIDATIVE stress; AUTOPHAGYPublicationLasers in Medical Science, 2019, Vol 34, Issue 4, p843ISSN0268-8921Publication typeAcademic JournalDOI10.1007/s10103-018-2565-y