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  • Analysis of self-fertilization and meiotic behavior of eleven Brazilian triticale cultivars at two sowing dates.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 114, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200003
    • Guerra, Divanilde;
    • Pacheco, Marcelo Teixeira;
    • Federizzi, Luiz Carlos
    Publication type:
  • BRS Japonesa: new sweet cassava cultivar for the Distrito Federal region.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 193, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200014
    • Vieira, Eduardo Alano;
    • Fialho, Josefino de Freitas;
    • Silva, Marilia Santos;
    • de Paula-Moraes, Silvana Vieira;
    • de Oliveira, Charles Martins;
    • Anjos, José de Ribamar Nazareno dos;
    • Rinaidi, Maria Madalena;
    • Fernandes, Francisco Duarte;
    • Júnior, Roberto Guimarães
    Publication type:
  • BRS Cipotânea and BRS Diamantina: maize varieties.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 189, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200013
    • Teixeira, Flavia França;
    • Vasconcellos, José Heitor de;
    • Andrade, Ramiro Vilela de;
    • Santos, Manoel Xavier dos;
    • Leite, Carlos Eduardo Prado;
    • Guimarães, Paulo Evaristo de Oliveira;
    • Parentoni, Sidney Netto;
    • Meirelles, Walter Fernandes;
    • Pacheco, Cleso Antonio Patto;
    • Ceccon, Gessi
    Publication type:
  • Determination of the mating system of Tucumã palm using microsatellite markers.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 181, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200011
    • Ramos, Santiago Linorio Ferreyra;
    • Lopes, Maria Teresa Gomes;
    • Lopes, Ricardo;
    • Cunha, Raimundo Nonato Vieira da;
    • Luis, Jeferson;
    • Vasconcelos de Macêdo;
    • Contim, Luis Antônio Serrão;
    • Clement, Charles Roland;
    • Rodrigues, Doriane Picanço;
    • Bernardes, Laura Graciliana
    Publication type:
  • Characterization of tomato accessions for resistance to early blight.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 174, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200010
    • Grigolli, José Fernando Jurca;
    • Kubota, Mirian Maristela;
    • Alves, Daniel Pedrosa;
    • Rodrigues, Gabriel Belfort;
    • Cardoso, Carine Rezende;
    • da Silva, Derly José Henriques;
    • Mizubuti, Eduardo Seiti Gomide
    Publication type:
  • CUTIVAR RELEASE: CD 150 - short wheat cultivar with high quality and high yield.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 186, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200012
    • de Assis Franco, Francisco;
    • Marchioro, Volmir Sergio;
    • Nora, Tatiane Dalla;
    • de Oliveira, Edson Feliciano;
    • Schuster, Ivan;
    • Vieira, Elisa Serra Negra;
    • Sobrinho, Ademar Alves;
    • Evangelista, Adriel
    Publication type:
  • Genetics of common bean resistance to white mold.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 165, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200009
    • Carneiro, Flávia Fernandes;
    • Santos, João Bosco dos;
    • Gonçalves, Paulo Roberto Carvalho;
    • Antonio, Rafaela Priscila;
    • de Souza, Thaís Paula
    Publication type:
  • Genetic divergence among Psidium accessions based on biochemical and agronomic variables.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 149, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200007
    • Santos, Carlos Antonio Fernandes;
    • Corrêa, Luiz Cláudio;
    • da Costa, Soniane Rodrigues
    Publication type:
  • Molecular markers detect stable genomic regions underlying tomato fruit shelf life and weight.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 157, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200008
    • Pratta, Guillermo Raúl;
    • Rodriguez, Gustavo Rubén;
    • Zorzoli, Roxana;
    • Valle, Estela Marta;
    • Picardi, Liliana Amelia
    Publication type:
  • Stratified mass selection of promising Spondias mombin clones in a commercial crop.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 141, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200006
    • Nunes, José Airton Rodrigues;
    • Santana, Francisco Ferreira;
    • Gomes, Regina Lúcia Ferreira;
    • Lopes, Ângela Celis de Almeida;
    • Pereira, Maria Marlúcia Gomes;
    • Soares, Edson Basílio
    Publication type:
  • Genetic gains for heat tolerance in potato in three cycles of recurrent selection.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 133, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200005
    • Benites, Flávio Rodrigo Gandolfi;
    • Pinto, César Augusto Brasil Pereira
    Publication type:
  • Diallel analysis in white oat cultivars subjected to water stress.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 125, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200004
    • Ribeiro, Guilherme;
    • Silveira, Gustavo da;
    • Crestani, Maraisa;
    • Nornberg, Rafael;
    • Luche, Henrique de Souza;
    • Mezzalira, Itamara;
    • de Carvalho, Fernando Irajá Félix;
    • Oliveira, Antônio Costa de
    Publication type:
  • Prediction of genetic gains from selection in Arabica coffee progenies.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 106, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200002
    • de Oliveira, Antonio Carlos Baião;
    • Pereira, Antonio Alves;
    • da Silva, Felipe Lopes;
    • Rezende, Juliana Costa de;
    • Botelho, César Elias;
    • Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues
    Publication type:
  • Seasonal and genetic influences on sex expression in a backcrossed segregating papaya population.

    Published in:
    Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 2011, v. 11, n. 2, p. 97, doi. 10.1590/s1984-70332011000200001
    • Ramos, Helaine Christine Cancela;
    • Pereira, Messias Gonzaga;
    • Silva, Francisco Filho da;
    • Viana, Alexandre Pio;
    • Ferreguetti, Geraldo Antônio
    Publication type: