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  • MARCO POLO: near earth object sample return mission.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 785, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9087-8
    • Barucci, M. A.;
    • Yoshikawa, M.;
    • Michel, P.;
    • Kawagushi, J.;
    • Yano, H.;
    • Brucato, J. R.;
    • Franchi, I. A.;
    • Dotto, E.;
    • Fulchignoni, M.;
    • Ulamec, S.
    Publication type:
  • Kronos: exploring the depths of Saturn with probes and remote sensing through an international mission.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 947, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9094-9
    • Marty, B.;
    • Guillot, T.;
    • Coustenis, A.;
    • Achilleos, N.;
    • Alibert, Y.;
    • Asmar, S.;
    • Atkinson, D.;
    • Atreya, S.;
    • Babasides, G.;
    • Baines, K.;
    • Balint, T.;
    • Banfield, D.;
    • Barber, S.;
    • Bézard, B.;
    • Bjoraker, G. L.;
    • Blanc, M.;
    • Bolton, S.;
    • Chanover, N.;
    • Charnoz, S.;
    • Chassefière, E.
    Publication type:
  • The DynaMICCS perspective.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 1017, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9111-z
    • Turck-Chièze, S.;
    • Lamy, P.;
    • Carr, C.;
    • Carton, P. H.;
    • Chevalier, A.;
    • Dandouras, I.;
    • Defise, J. M.;
    • Dewitte, S.;
    • Dudok de Wit, T.;
    • Halain, J. P.;
    • Hasan, S.;
    • Hochedez, J. F.;
    • Horbury, T.;
    • Levacher, P.;
    • Meissonier, M.;
    • Murphy, N.;
    • Rochus, P.;
    • Ruzmaikin, A.;
    • Schmutz, W.;
    • Thuillier, G.
    Publication type:
  • Cross-scale: multi-scale coupling in space plasmas.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 1001, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9085-x
    • Schwartz, Steven J.;
    • Horbury, Timothy;
    • Owen, Christopher;
    • Baumjohann, Wolfgang;
    • Nakamura, Rumi;
    • Canu, Patrick;
    • Roux, Alain;
    • Sahraoui, Fouad;
    • Louarn, Philippe;
    • Sauvaud, Jean-André;
    • Pinçon, Jean-Louis;
    • Vaivads, Andris;
    • Marcucci, Maria;
    • Anastasiadis, Anastasios;
    • Fujimoto, Masaki;
    • Escoubet, Philippe;
    • Taylor, Matt;
    • Eckersley, Steven;
    • Allouis, Elie;
    • Perkinson, Marie-Claire
    Publication type:
  • LAPLACE: A mission to Europa and the Jupiter System for ESA’s Cosmic Vision Programme.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 849, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9127-4
    • Blanc, Michel;
    • Alibert, Yann;
    • André, Nicolas;
    • Atreya, Sushil;
    • Beebe, Reta;
    • Benz, Willy;
    • Bolton, Scott J.;
    • Coradini, Angioletta;
    • Coustenis, Athena;
    • Dehant, Véronique;
    • Dougherty, Michele;
    • Drossart, Pierre;
    • Fujimoto, Masaki;
    • Grasset, Olivier;
    • Gurvits, Leonid;
    • Hartogh, Paul;
    • Hussmann, Hauke;
    • Kasaba, Yasumasa;
    • Kivelson, Margaret;
    • Khurana, Krishan
    Publication type:
  • European Venus Explorer (EVE): an in-situ mission to Venus.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 741, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9093-x
    • Chassefière, E.;
    • Korablev, O.;
    • Imamura, T.;
    • Baines, K. H.;
    • Wilson, C. F.;
    • Titov, D. V.;
    • Aplin, K. L.;
    • Balint, T.;
    • Blamont, J. E.;
    • Cochrane, C. G.;
    • Ferencz, Cs.;
    • Ferri, F.;
    • Gerasimov, M.;
    • Leitner, J. J.;
    • Lopez-Moreno, J.;
    • Marty, B.;
    • Martynov, M.;
    • Pogrebenko, S. V.;
    • Rodin, A.;
    • Whiteway, J. A.
    Publication type:
  • DuneXpress.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 981, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9099-4
    • Grün, Eberhard;
    • Srama, Ralf;
    • Altobelli, Nicolas;
    • Altwegg, Kathrin;
    • Carpenter, James;
    • Colangeli, Luigi;
    • Glassmeier, Karl-Heinz;
    • Helfert, Stefan;
    • Henkel, Hartmut;
    • Horanyi, Mihaly;
    • Jäckel, Annette;
    • Kempf, Sascha;
    • Landgraf, Markus;
    • McBride, Neil;
    • Moragas-Klostermeyer, Georg;
    • Palumbo, Pasquale;
    • Scholten, Han;
    • Srowig, Andre;
    • Sternovsky, Zoltan;
    • Vo, Xavier
    Publication type:
  • POLAR investigation of the Sun—POLARIS.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 1079, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9107-8
    • Appourchaux, T.;
    • Liewer, P.;
    • Watt, M.;
    • Alexander, D.;
    • Andretta, V.;
    • Auchère, F.;
    • D'Arrigo, P.;
    • Ayon, J.;
    • Corbard, T.;
    • Fineschi, S.;
    • Finsterle, W.;
    • Floyd, L.;
    • Garbe, G.;
    • Gizon, L.;
    • Hassler, D.;
    • Harra, L.;
    • Kosovichev, A.;
    • Leibacher, J.;
    • Leipold, M.;
    • Murphy, N.
    Publication type:
  • LunarEX—a proposal to cosmic vision.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 711, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9109-6
    • Smith, A.;
    • Crawford, I. A.;
    • Gowen, R. A.;
    • Ball, A. J.;
    • Barber, S. J.;
    • Church, P.;
    • Coates, A. J.;
    • Gao, Y.;
    • Griffiths, A. D.;
    • Hagermann, A.;
    • Joy, K. H.;
    • Phipps, A.;
    • Pike, W. T.;
    • Scott, R.;
    • Sheridan, S.;
    • Sweeting, M.;
    • Talboys, D.;
    • Tong, V.;
    • Wells, N.;
    • Biele, J.
    Publication type:
  • Kronos: exploring the depths of Saturn with probes and remote sensing through an international mission.

    Published in:
    • Marty, B.;
    • Guillot, T.;
    • Coustenis, A.;
    • Achilleos, N.;
    • Alibert, Y.;
    • Asmar, S.;
    • Atkinson, D.;
    • Atreya, S.;
    • Babasides, G.;
    • Baines, K.;
    • Balint, T.;
    • Banfield, D.;
    • Barber, S.;
    • Bézard, B.;
    • Bjoraker, G. J.;
    • Blanc, M.;
    • Bolton, S.;
    • Chanover, N.;
    • Charnoz, S.;
    • Chassefière, E.
    Publication type:
    Correction notice
  • Triple F—a comet nucleus sample return mission.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 809, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9115-8
    • Küppers, Michael;
    • Keller, H. U.;
    • Kührt, E.;
    • A'Hearn, M. F.;
    • Altwegg, K.;
    • Bertrand, R.;
    • Busemann, H.;
    • Capria, M. T.;
    • Colangeli, L.;
    • Davidsson, B.;
    • Ehrenfreund, P.;
    • Knollenberg, J.;
    • Mottola, S.;
    • Rathke, A.;
    • Weiss, P.;
    • Zolensky, M.;
    • Akim, E.;
    • Basilevsky, A.;
    • Galimov, E.;
    • Gerasimov, M.
    Publication type:
  • PHOIBOS: probing heliospheric origins with an inner boundary observing spacecraft.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 1057, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9113-x
    • Maksimovic, M.;
    • Velli, M.
    Publication type:
  • TandEM: Titan and Enceladus mission.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 893, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9103-z
    • Coustenis, A.;
    • Atreya, S. K.;
    • Balint, T.;
    • Brown, R. H.;
    • Dougherty, M. K.;
    • Ferri, F.;
    • Fulchignoni, M.;
    • Gautier, D.;
    • Gowen, R. A.;
    • Griffith, C. A.;
    • Gurvits, L. I.;
    • Jaumann, R.;
    • Langevin, Y.;
    • Leese, M. R.;
    • Lunine, J. I.;
    • McKay, C. P.;
    • Moussas, X.;
    • Müller-Wodarg, I.;
    • Neubauer, F.;
    • Owen, T. C.
    Publication type:
  • Mars environment and magnetic orbiter model payload.

    Published in:
    Experimental Astronomy, 2009, v. 23, n. 3, p. 761, doi. 10.1007/s10686-008-9101-1
    • Langlais, B.;
    • Leblanc, F.;
    • Fouchet, T.;
    • Barabash, S.;
    • Breuer, D.;
    • Chassefière, E.;
    • Coates, A.;
    • Dehant, V.;
    • Forget, F.;
    • Lammer, H.;
    • Lewis, S.;
    • Lopez-Valverde, M.;
    • Mandea, M.;
    • Menvielle, M.;
    • Pais, A.;
    • Paetzold, M.;
    • Read, P.;
    • Sotin, C.;
    • Tarits, P.;
    • Vennerstrom, S.
    Publication type: