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  • Proposal for a 6‐step approach for differential diagnosis of neonatal erythroderma.

    Published in:
    Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology, 2022, v. 36, n. 7, p. 973, doi. 10.1111/jdv.18043
    • Cuperus, E.;
    • Bygum, A.;
    • Boeckmann, L.;
    • Bodemer, C.;
    • Bolling, M.C.;
    • Caproni, M.;
    • Diociaiuti, A.;
    • Emmert, S.;
    • Fischer, J.;
    • Gostynski, A.;
    • Guez, S.;
    • van Gijn, M.E.;
    • Hannulla‐Jouppi, K.;
    • Has, C.;
    • Hernández‐Martín, A.;
    • Martinez, A.E.;
    • Mazereeuw‐Hautier, J.;
    • Medvecz, M.;
    • Neri, I.;
    • Sigurdsson, V.
    Publication type: