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  • Impact of nitrogen fertilizer sustainability on corn crop yield: the role of beneficial microbial inoculation interactions.

    Published in:
    BMC Plant Biology, 2024, v. 24, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s12870-024-04971-3
    • Galindo, Fernando Shintate;
    • Pagliari, Paulo Humberto;
    • da Silva, Edson Cabral;
    • de Lima, Bruno Horschut;
    • Fernandes, Guilherme Carlos;
    • Thiengo, Cassio Carlette;
    • Bernardes, João Victor Silva;
    • Jalal, Arshad;
    • Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo Silva;
    • de Sousa Vilela, Lucila;
    • Furlani Junior, Enes;
    • Nogueira, Thiago Assis Rodrigues;
    • do Nascimento, Vagner;
    • Teixeira Filho, Marcelo Carvalho Minhoto;
    • Lavres, José
    Publication type: