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  • Sexual dimorphism in atherosclerotic plaques of aged Ldlr<sup>−/−</sup> mice.

    Published in:
    Immunity & Ageing, 2024, v. 21, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s12979-024-00434-3
    • Smit, Virginia;
    • de Mol, Jill;
    • Kleijn, Mireia N. A. Bernabé;
    • Depuydt, Marie A. C.;
    • de Winther, Menno P. J.;
    • Bot, Ilze;
    • Kuiper, Johan;
    • Foks, Amanda C.
    Publication type:
  • The Dynamics of B Cell Aging in Health and Disease.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Immunology, 2021, v. 12, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.733566
    • de Mol, Jill;
    • Kuiper, Johan;
    • Tsiantoulas, Dimitrios;
    • Foks, Amanda C.
    Publication type:
  • Single-cell profiling reveals age-associated immunity in atherosclerosis.

    Published in:
    Cardiovascular Research, 2023, v. 119, n. 15, p. 2508, doi. 10.1093/cvr/cvad099
    • Smit, Virginia;
    • Mol, Jill de;
    • Schaftenaar, Frank H;
    • Depuydt, Marie A C;
    • Postel, Rimke J;
    • Smeets, Diede;
    • Verheijen, Fenne W M;
    • Bogers, Laurens;
    • Duijn, Janine van;
    • Verwilligen, Robin A F;
    • Grievink, Hendrika W;
    • Kleijn, Mireia N A Bernabé;
    • Ingen, Eva van;
    • Jong, Maaike J M de;
    • Goncalves, Lauren;
    • Peeters, Judith A H M;
    • Smeets, Harm J;
    • Wezel, Anouk;
    • Polansky, Julia K;
    • Winther, Menno P J de
    Publication type: