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  • Preclinical Research in Glycogen Storage Diseases: A Comprehensive Review of Current Animal Models.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, v. 21, n. 24, p. 9621, doi. 10.3390/ijms21249621
    • Almodóvar-Payá, Aitana;
    • Villarreal-Salazar, Mónica;
    • de Luna, Noemí;
    • Nogales-Gadea, Gisela;
    • Real-Martínez, Alberto;
    • Andreu, Antoni L.;
    • Martín, Miguel Angel;
    • Arenas, Joaquin;
    • Lucia, Alejandro;
    • Vissing, John;
    • Krag, Thomas;
    • Pinós, Tomàs
    Publication type:
  • Identification of serum microRNAs as potential biomarkers in Pompe disease.

    Published in:
    Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology, 2019, v. 6, n. 7, p. 1214, doi. 10.1002/acn3.50800
    • Carrasco‐Rozas, Ana;
    • Fernández‐Simón, Esther;
    • Lleixà, Maria Cinta;
    • Belmonte, Izaskun;
    • Pedrosa-Hernandez, Irene;
    • Montiel-Morillo, Elena;
    • Nuñez‐Peralta, Claudia;
    • Llauger Rossello, Jaume;
    • Segovia, Sonia;
    • De Luna, Noemí;
    • Suarez‐Calvet, Xavier;
    • Illa, Isabel;
    • Díaz‐Manera, Jordi;
    • Gallardo, Eduard;
    • Barba‐Romero, Miguel Angel;
    • Barcena, Joseba;
    • Carzorla, María Rosario;
    • Creus, Carlota;
    • Coll‐Cantí, Jaume;
    • Díaz, Manuel
    Publication type:
  • RhoA/ROCK2 signalling is enhanced by PDGF‐AA in fibro‐adipogenic progenitor cells: implications for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

    Published in:
    Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia & Muscle, 2022, v. 13, n. 2, p. 1373, doi. 10.1002/jcsm.12923
    • Fernández‐Simón, Esther;
    • Suárez‐Calvet, Xavier;
    • Carrasco‐Rozas, Ana;
    • Piñol‐Jurado, Patricia;
    • López‐Fernández, Susana;
    • Pons, Gemma;
    • Bech Serra, Joan Josep;
    • de la Torre, Carolina;
    • de Luna, Noemí;
    • Gallardo, Eduard;
    • Díaz‐Manera, Jordi
    Publication type:
  • Autoantibody screening in Guillain-Barré syndrome.

    Published in:
    • Lleixà, Cinta;
    • Martín-Aguilar, Lorena;
    • Pascual-Goñi, Elba;
    • Franco, Teresa;
    • Caballero, Marta;
    • de Luna, Noemí;
    • Gallardo, Eduard;
    • Suárez-Calvet, Xavier;
    • Martínez-Martínez, Laura;
    • Diaz-Manera, Jordi;
    • Rojas-García, Ricard;
    • Cortés-Vicente, Elena;
    • Turón, Joana;
    • Casasnovas, Carlos;
    • Homedes, Christian;
    • Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, Gerardo;
    • Jimeno-Montero, María Concepción;
    • Berciano, José;
    • Sedano-Tous, Maria José;
    • García-Sobrino, Tania
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Knock-in mice for the R50X mutation in the PYGM gene present with McArdle disease.

    Published in:
    Brain: A Journal of Neurology, 2012, v. 135, n. 7, p. 2048, doi. 10.1093/brain/aws141
    • Nogales-Gadea, Gisela;
    • Pinós, Tomàs;
    • Lucia, Alejandro;
    • Arenas, Joaquín;
    • Camara, Yolanda;
    • Brull, Astrid;
    • de Luna, Noemí;
    • Martín, Miguel A.;
    • Garcia-Arumí, Elena;
    • Martí, Ramon;
    • Andreu, Antoni L.
    Publication type:
  • Genetic and Epigenetic Determinants of Low Dysferlin Expression in Monocytes.

    Published in:
    Human Mutation, 2014, v. 35, n. 8, p. 990, doi. 10.1002/humu.22591
    • Gallardo, Eduard;
    • Ankala, Arunkanth;
    • Núñez‐Álvarez, Yaiza;
    • Hegde, Madhuri;
    • Diaz‐Manera, Jordi;
    • Luna, Noemí De;
    • Pastoret, Ana;
    • Suelves, Mònica;
    • Illa, Isabel
    Publication type:
  • Proteomics identification of differentially expressed proteins in the muscle of dysferlin myopathy patients.

    Published in:
    Proteomics - Clinical Applications, 2009, v. 3, n. 4, p. 486, doi. 10.1002/prca.200800087
    • De la Torre, Carolina;
    • Illa, Isabel;
    • Faulkner, Georgine;
    • Soria, Laura;
    • Robles-Cedeño, Rene;
    • Dominguez-Perles, Raul;
    • De Luna, Noemí;
    • Gallardo, Eduard
    Publication type:
  • Proteasome inhibitors reduce thrombospondin-1 release in human dysferlin-deficient myotubes.

    Published in:
    • Fernández-Simón, Esther;
    • Lleixà, Cinta;
    • Suarez-Calvet, Xavier;
    • Diaz-Manera, Jordi;
    • Illa, Isabel;
    • Gallardo, Eduard;
    • de Luna, Noemí
    Publication type:
    journal article