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  • Profiles of Trauma in Primary and Permanent Teeth of Children and Adolescents.

    Published in:
    • de Paula Barros, Jackeline Nogueira;
    • de Araújo, Thayssa Augusto Assis;
    • Campos Soares, Thais Rodrigues;
    • Machado Lenzi, Michele;
    • de Andrade Risso, Patrícia;
    • da Silva Fidalgo, Tatiana Kelly;
    • Cople Maia, Lucianne;
    • Soares, Thais Rodrigues Campos;
    • Lenzi, Michele Machado;
    • Fidalgo, Tatiana Kelly da Silva;
    • Maia, Lucianne Cople
    Publication type:
    journal article