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  • Interaction of Cygnus A with its environment.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2014, v. 10, n. S313, p. 236, doi. 10.1017/S1743921315002240
    • Nulsen, Paul E. J.;
    • Young, Andrew J.;
    • Kraft, Ralph P.;
    • McNamara, Brian R.;
    • Wise, Michael W.;
    • Massaro, F.;
    • Cheung, C. C.;
    • Lopez, E.;
    • Siemiginowska, A.
    Publication type:
  • A very brief description of LOFAR – the Low Frequency Array.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2006, v. 2, n. 14, p. 386, doi. 10.1017/S174392130701112X
    • Falcke, Heino D.;
    • van Haarlem, Michiel P.;
    • de Bruyn, A. Ger;
    • Braun, Robert;
    • Röttgering, Huub J.A.;
    • Stappers, Benjamin;
    • Boland, Wilfried H.W.M.;
    • Butcher, Harvey R.;
    • de Geus, Eugène J.;
    • Koopmans, Leon V.;
    • Fender, Robert P.;
    • Kuijpers, H. Jan M.E.;
    • Miley, George K.;
    • Schilizzi, Richard T.;
    • Vogt, Corina;
    • Wijers, Ralph A.M.J.;
    • Wise, Michael W.;
    • Brouw, Willem N.;
    • Hamaker, Johan P.;
    • Noordam, Jan E.
    Publication type:
  • High-redshift lensed galaxies.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2006, v. 2, n. 14, p. 250, doi. 10.1017/S1743921307010320
    • Pelló, Roser;
    • Schaerer, Daniel;
    • Richard, Johan;
    • Le Borgne, Jean-Franc;
    • Kneib, Jean-Paul;
    • Hempel, Angela;
    • Egami, Eiichi;
    • Boone, Frédéric;
    • Cuby, Jean-Gabriel;
    • Ferrara, Andrea;
    • Wise, Michael W.
    Publication type:
  • Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas: Opening Access to the Biology of Nuclear Receptor Signaling Pathways.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2015, v. 10, n. 9, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0135615
    • Becnel, Lauren B.;
    • Darlington, Yolanda F.;
    • Ochsner, Scott A.;
    • Easton-Marks, Jeremy R.;
    • Watkins, Christopher M.;
    • McOwiti, Apollo;
    • Kankanamge, Wasula H.;
    • Wise, Michael W.;
    • DeHart, Michael;
    • Margolis, Ronald N.;
    • McKenna, Neil J.
    Publication type: