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  • A full-process chain assessment for nanoimprint technology on 200-mm industrial platform.

    Published in:
    Advanced Optical Technologies, 2017, v. 6, n. 3/4, p. 277, doi. 10.1515/aot-2017-0018
    • Teyssedre, Hubert;
    • Landis, Stefan;
    • Thanner, Christine;
    • Laure, Maria;
    • Khan, Jonas;
    • Bos, Sandra;
    • Eibelhuber, Martin;
    • Chouiki, Mustapha;
    • May, Michael;
    • Brianceau, Pierre;
    • Pollet, Olivier;
    • Hazart, Jerome;
    • Laviron, Cyrille;
    • Pain, Laurent;
    • Wimplinger, Markus
    Publication type: