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  • Boiling peanut Ara h 1 results in the formation of aggregates with reduced allergenicity.

    Published in:
    Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2011, v. 55, n. 12, p. 1887, doi. 10.1002/mnfr.201100251
    • Blanc, Fany;
    • Vissers, Yvonne M.;
    • Adel-Patient, Karine;
    • Rigby, Neil M.;
    • Mackie, Alan R.;
    • Gunning, A. Patrick;
    • Wellner, Nikolaus K.;
    • Skov, Per S.;
    • Przybylski-Nicaise, Laetitia;
    • Ballmer-Weber, Barbara;
    • Zuidmeer-Jongejan, Laurian;
    • Szépfalusi, Zsolt;
    • Ruinemans-Koerts, Janneke;
    • Jansen, Ad P. H.;
    • Bernard, Hervé;
    • Wal, Jean-Michel;
    • Savelkoul, Huub F. J.;
    • Wichers, Harry J.;
    • Mills, E. N. Clare
    Publication type: