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  • Keeping ribosomal DNA intact: a repeating challenge.

    Published in:
    Chromosome Research, 2019, v. 27, n. 1/2, p. 57, doi. 10.1007/s10577-018-9594-z
    • Warmerdam, Daniël O.;
    • Wolthuis, Rob M. F.
    Publication type:
  • Stochastic and reversible assembly of a multiprotein DNA repair complex ensures accurate target site recognition and efficient repair.

    Published in:
    Journal of Cell Biology, 2010, v. 189, n. 3, p. 445, doi. 10.1083/jcb.200909175
    • Luijsterburg, Martijn S.;
    • von Bornstaedt, Gesa;
    • Gourdin, Audrey M.;
    • Politi, Antonio Z.;
    • Moné, Martijn J.;
    • Warmerdam, Daniël O.;
    • Goedhart, Joachim;
    • Vermeulen, Wim;
    • van Driel, Roel;
    • Höfer, Thomas;
    • Luijsterburg, M. S.;
    • von Bornstaedt, G.
    Publication type:
  • Heterochromatin protein 1 is recruited to various types of DNA damage.

    Published in:
    Journal of Cell Biology, 2009, v. 185, n. 4, p. 577, doi. 10.1083/jcb.200810035
    • Luijsterburg, Martijn S.;
    • Dinant, Christoffel;
    • Lans, Hannes;
    • Stap, Jan;
    • Wiernasz, Elzbieta;
    • Lagerwerf, Saskia;
    • Warmerdam, Daniël O.;
    • Lindh, Michael;
    • Brink, Maartje C.;
    • Dobrucki, Jurek W.;
    • Aten, Jacob A.;
    • Fousteri, Maria I.;
    • Jansen, Gert;
    • Dantuma, Nico P.;
    • Vermeulen, Wim;
    • Mullenders, Leon H. F.;
    • Houtsmuller, Adriaan B.;
    • Verschure, Pernette J.;
    • van Driel, Roel
    Publication type:
  • Differential Dynamics of ATR-Mediated Checkpoint Regulators.

    Published in:
    Journal of Nucleic Acids, 2010, p. 1, doi. 10.4061/2010/319142
    • Warmerdam, Daniël O.;
    • Kanaar, Roland;
    • Smits, Veronique A. J.
    Publication type:
  • The core spliceosome as target and effector of non-canonical ATM signalling.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2015, v. 523, n. 7558, p. 53, doi. 10.1038/nature14512
    • Tresini, Maria;
    • Warmerdam, Daniël O.;
    • Kolovos, Petros;
    • Snijder, Loes;
    • Vrouwe, Mischa G.;
    • Demmers, Jeroen A. A.;
    • van IJcken, Wilfred F. J.;
    • Grosveld, Frank G.;
    • Medema, René H.;
    • Hoeijmakers, Jan H. J.;
    • Mullenders, Leon H. F.;
    • Vermeulen, Wim;
    • Marteijn, Jurgen A.
    Publication type:
  • PHF6 promotes non‐homologous end joining and G2 checkpoint recovery.

    Published in:
    EMBO Reports, 2020, v. 21, n. 1, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.15252/embr.201948460
    • Warmerdam, Daniël O;
    • Alonso‐de Vega, Ignacio;
    • Wiegant, Wouter W;
    • van den Broek, Bram;
    • Rother, Magdalena B;
    • Wolthuis, Rob MF;
    • Freire, Raimundo;
    • van Attikum, Haico;
    • Medema, René H;
    • Smits, Veronique AJ
    Publication type:
  • Reassessing human MHC-I genetic diversity in T cell studies.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2024, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-024-58777-2
    • Slieker, Roderick C.;
    • Warmerdam, Daniël O.;
    • Vermeer, Maarten H.;
    • van Doorn, Remco;
    • Heemskerk, Mirjam H. M.;
    • Scheeren, Ferenc A.
    Publication type: