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  • Clonal evolution of acute myeloid leukemia from diagnosis to relapse.

    Published in:
    Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, 2019, v. 58, n. 12, p. 839, doi. 10.1002/gcc.22806
    • Vosberg, Sebastian;
    • Greif, Philipp A.
    Publication type:
  • Acute myeloid leukemia with del(9q) is characterized by frequent mutations of NPM1, DNMT3A, WT1 and low expression of TLE4.

    Published in:
    Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, 2017, v. 56, n. 1, p. 75, doi. 10.1002/gcc.22418
    • Herold, Tobias;
    • Metzeler, Klaus H.;
    • Vosberg, Sebastian;
    • Hartmann, Luise;
    • Jurinovic, Vindi;
    • Opatz, Sabrina;
    • Konstandin, Nikola P.;
    • Schneider, Stephanie;
    • Zellmeier, Evelyn;
    • Ksienzyk, Bianka;
    • Graf, Alexander;
    • Krebs, Stefan;
    • Blum, Helmut;
    • Cristina Sauerland, Maria;
    • Büchner, Thomas;
    • Berdel, Wolfgang E.;
    • Wörmann, Bernhard J.;
    • Mansmann, Ulrich;
    • Hiddemann, Wolfgang;
    • Bohlander, Stefan K.
    Publication type:
  • Close correlation of copy number aberrations detected by next-generation sequencing with results from routine cytogenetics in acute myeloid leukemia.

    Published in:
    Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer, 2016, v. 55, n. 7, p. 553, doi. 10.1002/gcc.22359
    • Vosberg, Sebastian;
    • Herold, Tobias;
    • Hartmann, Luise;
    • Neumann, Martin;
    • Opatz, Sabrina;
    • Metzeler, Klaus H.;
    • Schneider, Stephanie;
    • Graf, Alexander;
    • Krebs, Stefan;
    • Blum, Helmut;
    • Baldus, Claudia D.;
    • Hiddemann, Wolfgang;
    • Spiekermann, Karsten;
    • Bohlander, Stefan K.;
    • Mansmann, Ulrich;
    • Greif, Philipp A.
    Publication type:
  • Applications and data analysis of next-generation sequencing.

    Published in:
    • Vogl, Ina;
    • Benet-Pagès, Anna;
    • Eck, Sebastian H.;
    • Kuhn, Marius;
    • Vosberg, Sebastian;
    • Greif, Philipp A.;
    • Metzeler, Klaus H.;
    • Biskup, Saskia;
    • Müller-Reible, Clemens;
    • Klein, Hanns-Georg
    Publication type:
    Journal Article
  • ZBTB7A mutations in acute myeloid leukaemia with t(8;21) translocation.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2016, v. 7, n. 6, p. 11733, doi. 10.1038/ncomms11733
    • Hartmann, Luise;
    • Dutta, Sayantanee;
    • Opatz, Sabrina;
    • Vosberg, Sebastian;
    • Reiter, Katrin;
    • Leubolt, Georg;
    • Metzeler, Klaus H.;
    • Herold, Tobias;
    • Bamopoulos, Stefanos A.;
    • Bräundl, Kathrin;
    • Zellmeier, Evelyn;
    • Ksienzyk, Bianka;
    • Konstandin, Nikola P.;
    • Schneider, Stephanie;
    • Hopfner, Karl-Peter;
    • Graf, Alexander;
    • Krebs, Stefan;
    • Blum, Helmut;
    • Middeke, Jan Moritz;
    • Stölzel, Friedrich
    Publication type:
  • Mutations in HID1 Cause Syndromic Infantile Encephalopathy and Hypopituitarism.

    Published in:
    • Schänzer, Anne;
    • Achleitner, Melanie T.;
    • Trümbach, Dietrich;
    • Hubert, Laurence;
    • Munnich, Arnold;
    • Ahlemeyer, Barbara;
    • AlAbdulrahim, Maha M.;
    • Greif, Philipp A.;
    • Vosberg, Sebastian;
    • Hummer, Blake;
    • Feichtinger, René G.;
    • Mayr, Johannes A.;
    • Wortmann, Saskia B.;
    • Aichner, Heidi;
    • Rudnik‐Schöneborn, Sabine;
    • Ruiz, Anna;
    • Gabau, Elisabeth;
    • Sánchez, Jacobo Pérez;
    • Ellard, Sian;
    • Homfray, Tessa
    Publication type:
    journal article