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  • Correction to: Point prevalence survey of antibiotic use in hospitals in Latin American countries.

    Published in:
    • Hara, Gabriel Levy;
    • Rojas-Cortés, Robin;
    • León, Helvert Felipe Molina;
    • Mansilla, Anahí Dreser;
    • Orta, Ismary Alfonso;
    • Rizo-Amezquita, José Noe;
    • Herrera, René Guillermo Santos;
    • Ayala, Silvia Mendoza de;
    • Villalobos, Marlen Arce;
    • Ponte, Hilda Mantilla;
    • Davila, Ever;
    • Aguilar, Gloria;
    • Porrás, Analía;
    • Ramón-Pardo, Pilar;
    • Castro, José Luis;
    • Molina León, Helvert Felipe;
    • Santos Herrera, René Guillermo;
    • de Ayala, Silvia Mendoza
    Publication type:
    corrected article
  • Point prevalence survey of antibiotic use in hospitals in Latin American countries.

    Published in:
    • Hara, Gabriel Levy;
    • Rojas-Cortés, Robin;
    • León, Helvert Felipe Molina;
    • Mansilla, Anahí Dreser;
    • Orta, Ismary Alfonso;
    • Rizo-Amezquita, José Noe;
    • Herrera, René Guillermo Santos;
    • Ayala, Silvia Mendoza de;
    • Villalobos, Marlen Arce;
    • Ponte, Hilda Mantilla;
    • Davila, Ever;
    • Aguilar, Gloria;
    • Porrás, Analía;
    • Ramón-Pardo, Pilar;
    • Castro, José Luis;
    • Group, on behalf of the Latin American Point Prevalent Survey Study;
    • Levy Hara, Gabriel;
    • Molina León, Helvert Felipe;
    • Dreser Mansilla, Anahí;
    • Alfonso Orta, Ismary
    Publication type:
    journal article