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  • Dust-free quasars in the early Universe.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2010, v. 464, n. 7287, p. 380, doi. 10.1038/nature08877
    • Jiang, Linhua;
    • Fan, Xiaohui;
    • Brandt, W. N.;
    • Carilli, Chris L.;
    • Egami, Eiichi;
    • Hines, Dean C.;
    • Kurk, Jaron D.;
    • Richards, Gordon T.;
    • Shen, Yue;
    • Strauss, Michael A.;
    • Vestergaard, Marianne;
    • Walter, Fabian
    Publication type:
  • The Distribution and Evolution of Black Hole Mass in Broad Line Quasars.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2009, v. 5, n. S267, p. 263, doi. 10.1017/S174392131000640X
    • Kelly, Brandon C.;
    • Vestergaard, Marianne;
    • Fan, Xiaohui;
    • Hernquist, Lars;
    • Hopkins, Philip;
    • Siemiginowska, Aneta
    Publication type:
  • Quasar Mass Functions Across Cosmic Time.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2009, v. 5, n. S267, p. 239, doi. 10.1017/S1743921310006344
    • Vestergaard, Marianne
    Publication type:
  • A quasar-galaxy merger at z ∼ 6.2: Black hole mass and quasar properties from the NIRSpec spectrum.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2024, v. 685, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202348535
    • Loiacono, Federica;
    • Decarli, Roberto;
    • Mignoli, Marco;
    • Farina, Emanuele Paolo;
    • Bañados, Eduardo;
    • Bosman, Sarah;
    • Eilers, Anna-Christina;
    • Schindler, Jan-Torge;
    • Strauss, Michael A.;
    • Vestergaard, Marianne;
    • Wang, Feige;
    • Blecha, Laura;
    • Carilli, Chris L.;
    • Comastri, Andrea;
    • Connor, Thomas;
    • Costa, Tiago;
    • Dotti, Massimo;
    • Fan, Xiaohui;
    • Gilli, Roberto;
    • Jun, Hyunsung D.
    Publication type: