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  • Peginterferon still has a place in the treatment of hepatitis C caused by genotype 3 virus.

    Published in:
    Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 2017, v. 59, p. 1, doi. 10.1590/S1678-9946201759067
    • Grando, Aline Vitali;
    • Abrão Ferreira, Paulo Roberto;
    • Pessôa, Mário Guimarães;
    • de Campos Mazo, Daniel Ferraz;
    • Brandão-Mello, Carlos Eduardo;
    • Reuter, Tânia;
    • de Lourdes Candolo Martinelli, Ana;
    • Gonzalez, Mário Peribanez;
    • Seixas-Santos Nastri, Ana Catharina;
    • Campos, Aléia Faustina;
    • Ferreira Lopes, Max Igor Banks;
    • Urbaez Brito, José David;
    • Mendes-Corrêa, Maria Cássia
    Publication type: