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  • Capacity Building in Sub-Saharan Africa as Part of the INTENSE-TBM Project During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    Published in:
    Infectious Diseases & Therapy, 2022, v. 11, n. 4, p. 1327, doi. 10.1007/s40121-022-00667-z
    • Ariza-Vioque, E.;
    • Ello, F.;
    • Andriamamonjisoa, H.;
    • Machault, V.;
    • González-Martín, J.;
    • Calvo-Cortés, M. C.;
    • Eholié, S.;
    • Tchabert, G. A.;
    • Ouassa, T.;
    • Raberahona, M.;
    • Rakotoarivelo, R.;
    • Razafindrakoto, H.;
    • Rahajamanana, L.;
    • Wilkinson, R. J.;
    • Davis, A.;
    • Maxebengula, M.;
    • Abrahams, F.;
    • Muzoora, C.;
    • Nakigozi, N.;
    • Nyehangane, D.
    Publication type: