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  • The Aβ1–42/Aβ1–40 ratio in CSF is more strongly associated to tau markers and clinical progression than Aβ1–42 alone.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 2022, v. 14, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13195-022-00967-z
    • Delaby, Constance;
    • Estellés, Teresa;
    • Zhu, Nuole;
    • Arranz, Javier;
    • Barroeta, Isabel;
    • Carmona-Iragui, María;
    • Illán-Gala, Ignacio;
    • Santos-Santos, Miguel Ángel;
    • Altuna, Miren;
    • Sala, Isabel;
    • Sánchez-Saudinós, M. Belén;
    • Videla, Laura;
    • Valldeneu, Sílvia;
    • Subirana, Andrea;
    • Tondo, Mireia;
    • Blanco-Vaca, Francisco;
    • Lehmann, Sylvain;
    • Belbin, Olivia;
    • Blesa, Rafael;
    • Fortea, Juan
    Publication type:
  • Correction: Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein and neurofilament light chain for the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of frontotemporal dementia.

    Published in:
    • Zhu, Nuole;
    • Santos-Santos, Miguel;
    • Illán-Gala, Ignacio;
    • Montal, Victor;
    • Estellés, Teresa;
    • Barroeta, Isabel;
    • Altuna, Miren;
    • Arranz, Javier;
    • Muñoz, Laia;
    • Belbin, Olivia;
    • Sala, Isabel;
    • Sánchez-Saudinós, Maria Belén;
    • Subirana, Andrea;
    • Videla, Laura;
    • Pegueroles, Jordi;
    • Blesa, Rafael;
    • Clarimón, Jordi;
    • Carmona-Iragui, Maria;
    • Fortea, Juan;
    • Lleó, Alberto
    Publication type:
    Correction Notice
  • Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein and neurofilament light chain for the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of frontotemporal dementia.

    Published in:
    Translational Neurodegeneration, 2021, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s40035-021-00275-w
    • Zhu, Nuole;
    • Santos-Santos, Miguel;
    • Illán-Gala, Ignacio;
    • Montal, Victor;
    • Estellés, Teresa;
    • Barroeta, Isabel;
    • Altuna, Miren;
    • Arranz, Javier;
    • Muñoz, Laia;
    • Belbin, Olivia;
    • Sala, Isabel;
    • Sánchez-Saudinós, Maria Belén;
    • Subirana, Andrea;
    • Videla, Laura;
    • Pegueroles, Jordi;
    • Blesa, Rafael;
    • Clarimón, Jordi;
    • Carmona-Iragui, Maria;
    • Fortea, Juan;
    • Lleó, Alberto
    Publication type:
  • Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein and neurofilament light chain for the diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of frontotemporal dementia.

    Published in:
    Translational Neurodegeneration, 2021, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s40035-021-00275-w
    • Zhu, Nuole;
    • Santos-Santos, Miguel;
    • Illán-Gala, Ignacio;
    • Montal, Victor;
    • Estellés, Teresa;
    • Barroeta, Isabel;
    • Altuna, Miren;
    • Arranz, Javier;
    • Muñoz, Laia;
    • Belbin, Olivia;
    • Sala, Isabel;
    • Sánchez-Saudinós, Maria Belén;
    • Subirana, Andrea;
    • Videla, Laura;
    • Pegueroles, Jordi;
    • Blesa, Rafael;
    • Clarimón, Jordi;
    • Carmona-Iragui, Maria;
    • Fortea, Juan;
    • Lleó, Alberto
    Publication type:
  • APP‐derived peptides reflect neurodegeneration in frontotemporal dementia.

    Published in:
    Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology, 2019, v. 6, n. 12, p. 2518, doi. 10.1002/acn3.50948
    • Illán‐Gala, Ignacio;
    • Pegueroles, Jordi;
    • Montal, Victor;
    • Alcolea, Daniel;
    • Vilaplana, Eduard;
    • Bejanin, Alexandre;
    • Borrego‐Écija, Sergi;
    • Sampedro, Frederic;
    • Subirana, Andrea;
    • Sánchez‐Saudinós, María‐Belén;
    • Rojas‐García, Ricard;
    • Vanderstichele, Hugo;
    • Blesa, Rafael;
    • Clarimón, Jordi;
    • Antonell, Anna;
    • Lladó, Albert;
    • Sánchez‐Valle, Raquel;
    • Fortea, Juan;
    • Lleó, Alberto
    Publication type:
  • The Sant Pau Initiative on Neurodegeneration (SPIN) cohort: A data set for biomarker discovery and validation in neurodegenerative disorders.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 2019, v. 5, n. 1, p. 597, doi. 10.1016/j.trci.2019.09.005
    • Alcolea, Daniel;
    • Clarimón, Jordi;
    • Carmona‐Iragui, María;
    • Illán‐Gala, Ignacio;
    • Morenas‐Rodríguez, Estrella;
    • Barroeta, Isabel;
    • Ribosa‐Nogué, Roser;
    • Sala, Isabel;
    • Sánchez‐Saudinós, M. Belén;
    • Videla, Laura;
    • Subirana, Andrea;
    • Benejam, Bessy;
    • Valldeneu, Sílvia;
    • Fernández, Susana;
    • Estellés, Teresa;
    • Altuna, Miren;
    • Santos‐Santos, Miguel;
    • García‐Losada, Lídia;
    • Bejanin, Alexandre;
    • Pegueroles, Jordi
    Publication type:
  • Different cutoffs definitions to evaluate the concordance between CSF Ab42 and Ab42/Ab40 across neurodegenerative diseases.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.064134
    • Delaby, Constance;
    • Estellés, Teresa;
    • Zhu, Nuole;
    • Arranz, Javier;
    • Barroeta, Isabel;
    • Carmona‐Iragui, Maria;
    • Illán‐Gala, Ignacio;
    • Santos‐Santos, Miguel A;
    • Altuna, Miren;
    • Sala, Isabel;
    • Sánchez‐Saudinós, Mª Belen;
    • Videla, Laura;
    • Valldeneu, Sílvia;
    • Subirana, Andrea;
    • Tondo, Mireia;
    • Blanco‐Vaca, Francisco;
    • Lehmann, Sylvain;
    • Belbin, Olivia;
    • Blesa, Rafael;
    • Fortea, Juan
    Publication type:
  • Plasma biomarkers for the AT(N) classification and for the detection of Alzheimer's disease.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2021, v. 17, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/alz.050187
    • Alcolea, Daniel;
    • Delaby, Constance;
    • Muñoz, Laia;
    • Torres, Soraya;
    • Estellés, Teresa;
    • Zhu, Nuole;
    • Barroeta, Isabel;
    • Carmona‐Iragui, Maria;
    • Illán‐Gala, Ignacio;
    • Santos‐Santos, Miguel A.;
    • Altuna, Miren;
    • Sala, Isabel;
    • Sánchez‐Saudinós, Mª Belen;
    • Videla, Laura;
    • Valldeneu, Sílvia;
    • Subirana, Andrea;
    • Pegueroles, Jordi;
    • Hirtz, Christophe;
    • Vialaret, Jérôme;
    • Lehmann, Sylvain
    Publication type: