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  • Ape parasite origins of human malaria virulence genes.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2015, p. 8368, doi. 10.1038/ncomms9368
    • Larremore, Daniel B.;
    • Sundararaman, Sesh A.;
    • Liu, Weimin;
    • Proto, William R.;
    • Clauset, Aaron;
    • Loy, Dorothy E.;
    • Speede, Sheri;
    • Plenderleith, Lindsey J.;
    • Sharp, Paul M.;
    • Hahn, Beatrice H.;
    • Rayner, Julian C.;
    • Buckee, Caroline O.
    Publication type:
  • Anthrax in Western and Central African great apes.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Primatology, 2006, v. 68, n. 9, p. 928, doi. 10.1002/ajp.20298
    • Leendertz, Fabian H.;
    • Lankester, Felix;
    • Guislain, Patrick;
    • Néel, Cécile;
    • Drori, Ofir;
    • Dupain, Jef;
    • Speede, Sheri;
    • Reed, Patricia;
    • Wolfe, Nathan;
    • Loul, Severin;
    • Mpoudi-Ngole, E.;
    • Peeters, Martine;
    • Boesch, Christophe;
    • Pauli, Georg;
    • Ellerbrok, Heinz;
    • Leroy, Eric M.
    Publication type:
  • Genomes of cryptic chimpanzee Plasmodium species reveal key evolutionary events leading to human malaria.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2016, v. 7, n. 3, p. 11078, doi. 10.1038/ncomms11078
    • Sundararaman, Sesh A.;
    • Plenderleith, Lindsey J.;
    • Liu, Weimin;
    • Loy, Dorothy E.;
    • Learn, Gerald H.;
    • Li, Yingying;
    • Shaw, Katharina S.;
    • Ayouba, Ahidjo;
    • Peeters, Martine;
    • Speede, Sheri;
    • Shaw, George M.;
    • Bushman, Frederic D.;
    • Brisson, Dustin;
    • Rayner, Julian C.;
    • Sharp, Paul M.;
    • Hahn, Beatrice H.
    Publication type:
  • Ape parasite origins of human malaria virulence genes.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2015, v. 6, n. 10, p. 8368, doi. 10.1038/ncomms9368
    • Larremore, Daniel B.;
    • Sundararaman, Sesh A.;
    • Liu, Weimin;
    • Proto, William R.;
    • Clauset, Aaron;
    • Loy, Dorothy E.;
    • Speede, Sheri;
    • Plenderleith, Lindsey J.;
    • Sharp, Paul M.;
    • Hahn, Beatrice H.;
    • Rayner, Julian C.;
    • Buckee, Caroline O.
    Publication type:
  • Ancient Introgression between Two Ape Malaria Parasite Species.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology & Evolution, 2019, v. 11, n. 11, p. 3269, doi. 10.1093/gbe/evz244
    • Plenderleith, Lindsey J;
    • Liu, Weimin;
    • Learn, Gerald H;
    • Loy, Dorothy E;
    • Speede, Sheri;
    • Sanz, Crickette M;
    • Morgan, David B;
    • Bertolani, Paco;
    • Hart, John A;
    • Hart, Terese B;
    • Hahn, Beatrice H;
    • Sharp, Paul M
    Publication type:
  • Multigenomic Delineation of Plasmodium Species of the Laverania Subgenus Infecting Wild-Living Chimpanzees and Gorillas.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology & Evolution, 2016, v. 8, n. 6, p. 1929, doi. 10.1093/gbe/evw128
    • Weimin Liu;
    • Sundararaman, Sesh A.;
    • Loy, Dorothy E.;
    • Learn, Gerald H.;
    • Yingying Li;
    • Plenderleith, Lindsey J.;
    • Ndjango, Jean-Bosco N.;
    • Speede, Sheri;
    • Atencia, Rebeca;
    • Cox, Debby;
    • Shaw, George M.;
    • Ayouba, Ahidjo;
    • Peeters, Martine;
    • Rayner, Julian C.;
    • Hahn, Beatrice H.;
    • Sharp, Paul M.
    Publication type: