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  • Impact of 2003 power outages on public health and emergency response.

    Published in:
    • Kile JC;
    • Skowronski S;
    • Miller MD;
    • Reissman SG;
    • Balaban V;
    • Klomp RW;
    • Reissman DB;
    • Mainzer HM;
    • Dannenberg AL;
    • Kile, James C;
    • Skowronski, Stephen;
    • Miller, Mark D;
    • Reissman, Stephan G;
    • Balaban, Victor;
    • Klomp, Richard W;
    • Reissman, Dori B;
    • Mainzer, Hugh M;
    • Dannenberg, Andrew L
    Publication type:
    journal article