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  • A census of variability in globular cluster M68 (NGC 4590).

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2015, v. 578, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201424600
    • Kains, N.;
    • Ferro, A. Arellano;
    • Jaimes, R. Figuera;
    • Bramich, D. M.;
    • Skottfelt, J.;
    • Jørgensen, U. G.;
    • Tsapras, Y.;
    • Street, R. A.;
    • Browne, P.;
    • Dominik, M.;
    • Horne, K.;
    • Hundertmark, M.;
    • Ipatov, S.;
    • Snodgrass, C.;
    • Steele, I. A.;
    • Alsubai, K. A.;
    • Bozza, V.;
    • Novati, S. Calchi;
    • Ciceri, S.;
    • D'Ago, G.
    Publication type:
  • The two-colour EMCCD instrument for the Danish 1.54 m telescope and SONG.

    Published in:
    • Skottfelt, J.;
    • Bramich, D. M.;
    • Hundertmark, M.;
    • Jørgensen, U. G.;
    • Michaelsen, N.;
    • Kjærgaard, P.;
    • Southworth, J.;
    • Sørensen, A. N.;
    • Andersen, M. F.;
    • Andersen, M. I.;
    • Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.;
    • Frandsen, S.;
    • Grundahl, F.;
    • Harpsøe, K. B. W.;
    • Kjeldsen, H.;
    • Pallé, P. L.
    Publication type:
    Product Review
  • Searching for variable stars in the cores of five metal-rich globular clusters using EMCCD observations.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2015, v. 573, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201424967
    • Skottfelt, J.;
    • Bramich, D. M.;
    • Jaimes, R. Figuera;
    • Jørgensen, U. G.;
    • Kains, N.;
    • Ferro, A. Arellano;
    • Alsubai, K. A.;
    • Bozza, V.;
    • Novati, S. Calchi;
    • Ciceri, S.;
    • D'Ago, G.;
    • Dominik, M.;
    • Galianni, P.;
    • Gu, S. H.;
    • Harpsøe, K. B. W.;
    • Haugbølle, T.;
    • Hinse, T. C.;
    • Hundertmark, M.;
    • Juncher, D.;
    • Korhonen, H.
    Publication type:
  • A ring system detected around the Centaur (10199) Chariklo.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2014, v. 508, n. 7494, p. 72, doi. 10.1038/nature13155
    • Braga-Ribas, F.;
    • Sicardy, B.;
    • Ortiz, J. L.;
    • Snodgrass, C.;
    • Roques, F.;
    • Vieira-Martins, R.;
    • Camargo, J. I. B.;
    • Assafin, M.;
    • Duffard, R.;
    • Jehin, E.;
    • Pollock, J.;
    • Leiva, R.;
    • Emilio, M.;
    • Machado, D. I.;
    • Colazo, C.;
    • Lellouch, E.;
    • Skottfelt, J.;
    • Gillon, M.;
    • Ligier, N.;
    • Maquet, L.
    Publication type:
  • LIMBO: A time-series Lucky Imaging survey of variability in Galactic globular clusters.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2013, v. 9, n. S301, p. 435, doi. 10.1017/S1743921313014920
    • Kains, N.;
    • Bramich, D. M.;
    • Jaimes, R. Figuera;
    • Skottfelt, J.
    Publication type:
  • The mass and age of the first SONG target: the red giant 46 LMi.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2018, v. 613, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/201730816
    • Frandsen, S.;
    • Fredslund Andersen, M.;
    • Brogaard, K.;
    • Jiang, C.;
    • Arentoft, T.;
    • Grundahl, F.;
    • Kjeldsen, H.;
    • Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.;
    • Weiss, E.;
    • Pallé, P.;
    • Antoci, V.;
    • Kjærgaard, P.;
    • Sørensen, A. N.;
    • Skottfelt, J.;
    • Jørgensen, U. G.
    Publication type:
  • GravityCam: Wide-field high-resolution high-cadence imaging surveys in the visible from the ground.

    Published in:
    Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2018, v. 35, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1017/pasa.2018.43
    • Mackay, C.;
    • Dominik, M.;
    • Steele, I. A.;
    • Snodgrass, C.;
    • Jørgensen, U. G.;
    • Skottfelt, J.;
    • Stefanov, K.;
    • Carry, B.;
    • Braga-Ribas, F.;
    • Doressoundiram, A.;
    • Ivanov, V. D.;
    • Gandhi, P.;
    • Evans, D. F.;
    • Hundertmark, M.;
    • Serjeant, S.;
    • Ortolani, S.
    Publication type: