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  • Complete vertebrate mitogenomes reveal widespread repeats and gene duplications.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology, 2021, v. 22, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13059-021-02336-9
    • Formenti, Giulio;
    • Rhie, Arang;
    • Balacco, Jennifer;
    • Haase, Bettina;
    • Mountcastle, Jacquelyn;
    • Fedrigo, Olivier;
    • Brown, Samara;
    • Capodiferro, Marco Rosario;
    • Al-Ajli, Farooq O.;
    • Ambrosini, Roberto;
    • Houde, Peter;
    • Koren, Sergey;
    • Oliver, Karen;
    • Smith, Michelle;
    • Skelton, Jason;
    • Betteridge, Emma;
    • Dolucan, Jale;
    • Corton, Craig;
    • Bista, Iliana;
    • Torrance, James
    Publication type:
  • Genome-wide transcriptional changes induced by phagocytosis or growth on bacteria in Dictyostelium.

    Published in:
    BMC Genomics, 2008, v. 9, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/1471-2164-9-291
    • Sillo, Alessio;
    • Bloomfield, Gareth;
    • Balest, Alessandra;
    • Balbo, Alessandra;
    • Pergolizzi, Barbara;
    • Peracino, Barbara;
    • Skelton, Jason;
    • Ivens, Alasdair;
    • Bozzaro, Salvatore
    Publication type:
  • Dictyostelium transcriptional responses to Pseudomonas aeruginosa: common and specific effects from PAO1 and PA14 strains.

    Published in:
    BMC Microbiology, 2008, v. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/1471-2180-8-109
    • Carilla-Latorre, Sergio;
    • Calvo-Garrido, Javier;
    • Bloomfield, Gareth;
    • Skelton, Jason;
    • Kay, Robert R.;
    • Ivens, Alasdair;
    • Martinez, José L.;
    • Escalante, Ricardo
    Publication type:
  • Targets downstream of Cdk8 in Dictyostelium development.

    Published in:
    BMC Developmental Biology, 2011, v. 11, n. 1, p. 2, doi. 10.1186/1471-213X-11-2
    • Greene, David M.;
    • Bloomfield, Gareth;
    • Skelton, Jason;
    • Ivens, Alasdair;
    • Pears, Catherine J.
    Publication type:
  • scAbsolute: measuring single-cell ploidy and replication status.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology, 2024, v. 25, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13059-024-03204-y
    • Schneider, Michael P.;
    • Cullen, Amy E.;
    • Pangonyte, Justina;
    • Skelton, Jason;
    • Major, Harvey;
    • Van Oudenhove, Elke;
    • Garcia, Maria J.;
    • Chaves Urbano, Blas;
    • Piskorz, Anna M.;
    • Brenton, James D.;
    • Macintyre, Geoff;
    • Markowetz, Florian
    Publication type:
  • The mei3 region of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome.

    Published in:
    Yeast, 2002, v. 19, n. 6, p. 521, doi. 10.1002/yea.851
    • Aves, Stephen J.;
    • Hunt, Cherryl;
    • Xiang, Zheng;
    • Lyne, Michael H.;
    • Wood, Valerie;
    • Rajandream, Marie-Adèle;
    • Skelton, Jason;
    • Churcher, Carol M.;
    • Warren, Timothy;
    • Harris, David;
    • Gwilliam, Rhian;
    • Barrell, Barclay G.
    Publication type:
  • Analysis of 41 kb of the DNA sequence from the right arm of chromosome II of Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

    Published in:
    Yeast, 2001, v. 18, n. 12, p. 1111, doi. 10.1002/yea.760
    • Sánchez, Manuel;
    • Revuelta, José L.;
    • del Rey, Francisco;
    • Gwilliam, Rhian;
    • Skelton, Jason;
    • Churcher, Carol;
    • Rajandream, Marie-Adèle;
    • Wood, Valerie;
    • Barrell, Bart;
    • Lyne, Rachel;
    • Reinhardt, Richard;
    • Borzym, Katja;
    • Beck, Alfred;
    • Moreno, Sergio;
    • Domínguez, Angel
    Publication type:
  • Analysis of 114 kb of DNA sequence from fission yeast chromosome 2 immediately centromere-distal to his5.

    Published in:
    Yeast, 2000, v. 16, n. 15, p. 1405, doi. 10.1002/1097-0061(200011)16:15<1405::AID-YEA625>3.0.CO;2-H
    • Xiang, Zheng;
    • Moore, Karen;
    • Wood, Valerie;
    • Rajandream, Maire-Adèle;
    • Barrell, Barclay G.;
    • Skelton, Jason;
    • Churcher, Carol M.;
    • Lyne, Michael H.;
    • Devlin, Karen;
    • Gwilliam, Rhian;
    • Rutherford, Kim M.;
    • Aves, Stephen J.
    Publication type:
  • The gene-rich genome of the scallop Pecten maximus.

    Published in:
    GigaScience, 2020, v. 9, n. 5, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1093/gigascience/giaa037
    • Kenny, Nathan J;
    • McCarthy, Shane A;
    • Dudchenko, Olga;
    • James, Katherine;
    • Betteridge, Emma;
    • Corton, Craig;
    • Dolucan, Jale;
    • Mead, Dan;
    • Oliver, Karen;
    • Omer, Arina D;
    • Pelan, Sarah;
    • Ryan, Yan;
    • Sims, Ying;
    • Skelton, Jason;
    • Smith, Michelle;
    • Torrance, James;
    • Weisz, David;
    • Wipat, Anil;
    • Aiden, Erez L;
    • Howe, Kerstin
    Publication type: