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  • The ultrastructure of cartilage tissue and its swelling response in relation to matrix health.

    Published in:
    Journal of Anatomy, 2022, v. 240, n. 1, p. 107, doi. 10.1111/joa.13527
    • Brown, Emma Te Tūmanako;
    • Simons, Joni M. L. J. W.;
    • Thambyah, Ashvin
    Publication type:
  • Atypical malignant hyperthermia with persistent hyperkalaemia during renal transplantation.

    Published in:
    • Simons, Marvin;
    • Goldman, Ernesto;
    • Simons, M L;
    • Goldman, E
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • X-ray transitions from antiprotonic noble gases.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal D (EPJ D), 2008, v. 48, n. 2, p. 11, doi. 10.1140/epjd/e2008-00025-3
    • Gotta, D.;
    • Rashid, K.;
    • Fricke, B.;
    • Indelicato, P.;
    • Simons, L. M.
    Publication type:
  • Redetermination of the strong-interaction width in pionic hydrogen.

    Published in:
    European Physical Journal A -- Hadrons & Nuclei, 2021, v. 57, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1140/epja/s10050-021-00387-x
    • Hirtl, A.;
    • Anagnostopoulos, D. F.;
    • Covita, D. S.;
    • Fuhrmann, H.;
    • Gorke, H.;
    • Gotta, D.;
    • Gruber, A.;
    • Hennebach, M.;
    • Indelicato, P.;
    • Jensen, Th. S.;
    • Bigot, E.-O. Le;
    • Liu, Y.-W.;
    • Markushin, V. E.;
    • Marton, J.;
    • Nekipelov, M.;
    • Santos, J. M. F. dos;
    • Simons, L. M.;
    • Strauch, Th.;
    • Trassinelli, M.;
    • Veloso, J. F. C. A.
    Publication type:
  • Pionic deuterium.

    Published in:
    Hyperfine Interactions, 2009, v. 193, n. 1-3, p. 47, doi. 10.1007/s10751-009-0064-z
    • Strauch, Th.;
    • Amaro, F. D.;
    • Anagnostopoulos, D. F.;
    • Bühler, P.;
    • Covita, D. S.;
    • Gorke, H.;
    • Gotta, D.;
    • Gruber, A.;
    • Hirtl, A.;
    • Indelicato, P.;
    • Le Bigot, E.-O.;
    • Marton, J.;
    • Nekipelov, M.;
    • dos Santos, J. M. F.;
    • Schmid, Ph.;
    • Schlesser, S.;
    • Simons, L. M.;
    • Veloso, J. F. C. A.;
    • Zmeskal, J.
    Publication type:
  • Line shape of the μH(3 p - 1 s) transition.

    Published in:
    Hyperfine Interactions, 2009, v. 193, n. 1-3, p. 61, doi. 10.1007/s10751-009-0062-1
    • Covita, D. S.;
    • Anagnostopoulos, D. F.;
    • Gorke, H.;
    • Gotta, D.;
    • Gruber, A.;
    • Hirtl, A.;
    • Ishiwatari, T.;
    • Indelicato, P.;
    • Le Bigot, E.-O.;
    • Nekipelov, M.;
    • dos Santos, J. M. F.;
    • Schmid, Ph.;
    • Simons, L. M.;
    • Trassinelli, M.;
    • Veloso, J. F. C. A.;
    • Zmeskal, J.
    Publication type:
  • Measurement of the Strong Interaction Shift and Width of the Ground State of Pionic Hydrogen.

    Published in:
    Hyperfine Interactions, 2003, v. 146/147, n. 1-4, p. 343, doi. 10.1023/B:HYPE.0000004221.86162.c0
    • Manil, B.;
    • Anagnostopoulos, D. F.;
    • Biri, S.;
    • Borchert, G. L.;
    • Breunlich, W.;
    • Egger, J. P.;
    • Gotta, D.;
    • Gruber, A.;
    • Hennebach, M.;
    • Indelicato, P.;
    • Jensen, T.;
    • Liu, Y. W.;
    • Markushin, V.;
    • Nelms, N.;
    • Simons, L. M.;
    • Zmeskal, H.
    Publication type: