Found: 53

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  • Deep Brain Stimulation for Primary Refractory Tinnitus: A Systematic Review.

    Published in:
    Brain Sciences (2076-3425), 2024, v. 14, n. 5, p. 452, doi. 10.3390/brainsci14050452
    • Basner, Landon;
    • Smit, Jasper V.;
    • Zeitler, Daniel M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Krause, Katie;
    • Bansal, Aiyush;
    • Farrokhi, Farrokh
    Publication type:
  • Reconciling the Clinical Practice Guidelines on Bell's Palsy from the AAO-HNSF and the AAN.

    Published in:
    • Schwartz, Seth R;
    • Jones, Stephanie L;
    • Getchius, Thomas S D;
    • Gronseth, Gary S
    Publication type:
    Journal Article
  • Reconciling the Clinical Practice Guidelines on Bell’s Palsy from the AAO-HNSF and the AAN.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2014, v. 150, n. 5, p. 709, doi. 10.1177/0194599814529079
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Jones, Stephanie L.;
    • Getchius, Thomas S. D.;
    • Gronseth, Gary S.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Acute Otitis Externa.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2014, v. 150, p. S1, doi. 10.1177/0194599813517083
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Cannon, C. Ron;
    • Roland, Peter S.;
    • Simon, Geoffrey R.;
    • Kumar, Kaparaboyna Ashok;
    • Huang, William W.;
    • Haskell, Helen W.;
    • Robertson, Peter J.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Acute Otitis Externa Executive Summary.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2014, v. 150, n. 2, p. 161, doi. 10.1177/0194599813517659
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Cannon, C. Ron;
    • Roland, Peter S.;
    • Simon, Geoffrey R.;
    • Kumar, Kaparaboyna Ashok;
    • Huang, William W.;
    • Haskell, Helen W.;
    • Robertson, Peter J.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Bell's Palsy.

    Published in:
    • Baugh, Reginald F;
    • Basura, Gregory J;
    • Ishii, Lisa E;
    • Schwartz, Seth R;
    • Drumheller, Caitlin Murray;
    • Burkholder, Rebecca;
    • Deckard, Nathan A;
    • Dawson, Cindy;
    • Driscoll, Colin;
    • Gillespie, M Boyd;
    • Gurgel, Richard K;
    • Halperin, John;
    • Khalid, Ayesha N;
    • Kumar, Kaparaboyna Ashok;
    • Micco, Alan;
    • Munsell, Debra;
    • Rosenbaum, Steven;
    • Vaughan, William
    Publication type:
    Journal Article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Bell’s Palsy.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2013, v. 149, n. 3, p. S1, doi. 10.1177/0194599813505967
    • Baugh, Reginald F.;
    • Basura, Gregory J.;
    • Ishii, Lisa E.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Drumheller, Caitlin Murray;
    • Burkholder, Rebecca;
    • Deckard, Nathan A.;
    • Dawson, Cindy;
    • Driscoll, Colin;
    • Gillespie, M. Boyd;
    • Gurgel, Richard K.;
    • Halperin, John;
    • Khalid, Ayesha N.;
    • Kumar, Kaparaboyna Ashok;
    • Micco, Alan;
    • Munsell, Debra;
    • Rosenbaum, Steven;
    • Vaughan, William
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Bell’s Palsy Executive Summary.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2013, v. 149, n. 5, p. 656, doi. 10.1177/0194599813506835
    • Baugh, Reginald F.;
    • Basura, Gregory J.;
    • Ishii, Lisa E.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Drumheller, Caitlin Murray;
    • Burkholder, Rebecca;
    • Deckard, Nathan A.;
    • Dawson, Cindy;
    • Driscoll, Colin;
    • Gillespie, M. Boyd;
    • Gurgel, Richard K.;
    • Halperin, John;
    • Khalid, Ayesha N.;
    • Kumar, Kaparaboyna Ashok;
    • Micco, Alan;
    • Munsell, Debra;
    • Rosenbaum, Steven;
    • Vaughan, William
    Publication type:
  • AAO-HNS Clinical Practice Guideline on Tympanostomy Tubes.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2013, v. 149, n. 2, p. P26, doi. 10.1177/0194599813493390a69
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Pynnonen, Melissa;
    • Tunkel, David E.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Bell’s Palsy.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2013, v. 149, n. 2, p. P13, doi. 10.1177/0194599813493390a16
    • Baugh, Reginald F.;
    • Basura, Gregory J.;
    • Ishii, Lisa;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Tympanostomy Tubes in Children.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2013, v. 149, n. 1, p. S1, doi. 10.1177/0194599813487302
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Pynnonen, Melissa A.;
    • Tunkel, David E.;
    • Hussey, Heather M.;
    • Fichera, Jeffrey S.;
    • Grimes, Alison M.;
    • Hackell, Jesse M.;
    • Harrison, Melody F.;
    • Haskell, Helen;
    • Haynes, David S.;
    • Kim, Tae W.;
    • Lafreniere, Denis C.;
    • LeBlanc, Katie;
    • Mackey, Wendy L.;
    • Netterville, James L.;
    • Pipan, Mary E.;
    • Raol, Nikhila P.;
    • Schellhase, Kenneth G.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical practice guideline: tympanostomy tubes in children--executive summary.

    Published in:
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M;
    • Schwartz, Seth R;
    • Pynnonen, Melissa A;
    • Tunkel, David E;
    • Hussey, Heather M;
    • Fichera, Jeffrey S;
    • Grimes, Alison M;
    • Hackell, Jesse M;
    • Harrison, Melody F;
    • Haskell, Helen;
    • Haynes, David S;
    • Kim, Tae W;
    • Lafreniere, Denis C;
    • Leblanc, Katie;
    • Mackey, Wendy L;
    • Netterville, James L;
    • Pipan, Mary E;
    • Raol, Nikhila P;
    • Schellhase, Kenneth G
    Publication type:
    Journal Article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Tympanostomy Tubes in Children—Executive Summary.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2013, v. 149, n. 1, p. 8, doi. 10.1177/0194599813490141
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Pynnonen, Melissa A.;
    • Tunkel, David E.;
    • Hussey, Heather M.;
    • Fichera, Jeffrey S.;
    • Grimes, Alison M.;
    • Hackell, Jesse M.;
    • Harrison, Melody F.;
    • Haskell, Helen;
    • Haynes, David S.;
    • Kim, Tae W.;
    • Lafreniere, Denis C.;
    • LeBlanc, Katie;
    • Mackey, Wendy L.;
    • Netterville, James L.;
    • Pipan, Mary E.;
    • Raol, Nikhila P.;
    • Schellhase, Kenneth G.
    Publication type:
  • Rapid Review: The Guidelines in Pediatric Otolaryngology.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2012, v. 145, n. 2, p. P30, doi. 10.1177/0194599812449008a72
    • Shin, Jennifer J.;
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Mitchell, Ron B.;
    • Weinberger, Debra G.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Sudden Hearing Loss.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2012, v. 146, n. 3, p. S1, doi. 10.1177/0194599812436449
    • Stachler, Robert J.;
    • Chandrasekhar, Sujana S.;
    • Archer, Sanford M.;
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Barrs, David M.;
    • Brown, Steven R.;
    • Fife, Terry D.;
    • Ford, Peg;
    • Ganiats, Theodore G.;
    • Hollingsworth, Deena B.;
    • Lewandowski, Christopher A.;
    • Montano, Joseph J.;
    • Saunders, James E.;
    • Tucci, Debara L.;
    • Valente, Michael;
    • Warren, Barbara E.;
    • Yaremchuk, Kathleen L.;
    • Robertson, Peter J.
    Publication type:
  • Intratympanic Steroids for Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Systematic Review.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2011, v. 145, n. 4, p. 534, doi. 10.1177/0194599811419466
    • Spear, Samuel A.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Sudden Hearing Loss.

    Published in:
    • Stachler, Robert J.;
    • Chandrasekhar, Sujana S.;
    • Archer, Sanford M.;
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.
    Publication type:
  • Landmark Randomized Clinical Trials in Otolaryngology.

    Published in:
    • Brietzke, Scott E.;
    • Weinberger, Debra G.;
    • Davis, Greg;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical practice guideline: Cerumen impaction.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2008, v. 139, p. S1, doi. 10.1016/j.otohns.2008.06.026
    • Roland, Peter S.;
    • Smith, Timothy L.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Ballachanda, Bopanna;
    • Earll, Jerry M.;
    • Fayad, Jose;
    • Harlor Jr, Allen D.;
    • Hirsch, Barry E.;
    • Jones, Stacie S.;
    • Krouse, Helene J.;
    • Magit, Anthony;
    • Nelson, Carrie;
    • Stutz, David R.;
    • Wetmore, Stephen
    Publication type:
  • Clinical practice guideline: Cerumen impaction

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2008, v. 139, n. 3, p. S1, doi. 10.1016/j.otohns.2008.06.026
    • Roland, Peter S.;
    • Smith, Timothy L.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Ballachanda, Bopanna;
    • Earll, Jerry M.;
    • Fayad, Jose;
    • Harlor, Allen D.;
    • Hirsch, Barry E.;
    • Jones, Stacie S.;
    • Krouse, Helene J.;
    • Magit, Anthony;
    • Nelson, Carrie;
    • Stutz, David R.;
    • Wetmore, Stephen
    Publication type:
  • Evidence-Based Management of Cerumen

    Published in:
    • Roland, Peter S.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Hirsch, Barry;
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Wetmore, Stephen J.;
    • Smith, Timothy L.
    Publication type:
  • Predictors of wound complications after laryngectomy: a study of over 2000 patients

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2004, v. 131, n. 1, p. 61, doi. 10.1016/j.otohns.2003.08.028
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Yueh, Bevan;
    • Maynard, Charles;
    • Daley, Jennifer;
    • Henderson, William;
    • Khuri, Shukri F.
    Publication type:
  • Tumor-Related and Patient-Related Variables Affecting Length of Hospital Stay Following Vestibular Schwannoma Microsurgery.

    Published in:
    Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 2022, v. 131, n. 5, p. 535, doi. 10.1177/00034894211029103
    • Almosnino, Galit;
    • Sikora, Matt J.;
    • Farrokhi, Farrokh R.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Zeitler, Daniel M.
    Publication type:
  • The Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen as Salvage Therapy for Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss.

    Published in:
    Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 2018, v. 127, n. 10, p. 672, doi. 10.1177/0003489418787832
    • Almosnino, Galit;
    • Holm, James R.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Zeitler, Daniel M.
    Publication type:
  • Use of Neural Response Telemetry for Pediatric Cochlear Implants: Current Practice.

    Published in:
    Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 2018, v. 127, n. 6, p. 367, doi. 10.1177/0003489418767692
    • Almosnino, Galit;
    • Anne, Samantha;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.
    Publication type:
  • Postoperative Antibiotics Following Cochlear Implantation: Are They Necessary?

    Published in:
    Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 2018, v. 127, n. 4, p. 266, doi. 10.1177/0003489418758101
    • Almosnino, Galit;
    • Zeitler, Daniel M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Age‐Related Hearing Loss.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2024, v. 170, p. S1, doi. 10.1002/ohn.750
    • Tsai Do, Betty S.;
    • Bush, Matthew L.;
    • Weinreich, Heather M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Anne, Samantha;
    • Adunka, Oliver F.;
    • Bender, Kaye;
    • Bold, Kristen M.;
    • Brenner, Michael J.;
    • Hashmi, Ardeshir Z.;
    • Keenan, Teresa A.;
    • Kim, Ana H.;
    • Moore, Denée J.;
    • Nieman, Carrie L.;
    • Palmer, Catherine V.;
    • Ross, Erin J.;
    • Steenerson, Kristen K.;
    • Zhan, Kevin Y.;
    • Reyes, Joe;
    • Dhepyasuwan, Nui
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Age‐Related Hearing Loss Executive Summary.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2024, v. 170, n. 5, p. 1209, doi. 10.1002/ohn.749
    • Tsai Do, Betty S.;
    • Bush, Matthew L.;
    • Weinreich, Heather M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Anne, Samantha;
    • Adunka, Oliver F.;
    • Bender, Kaye;
    • Bold, Kristen M.;
    • Brenner, Michael J.;
    • Hashmi, Ardeshir Z.;
    • Kim, Ana H.;
    • Keenan, Teresa A.;
    • Moore, Denée J.;
    • Nieman, Carrie L.;
    • Palmer, Catherine V.;
    • Ross, Erin J.;
    • Steenerson, Kristen K.;
    • Zhan, Kevin Y.;
    • Reyes, Joe;
    • Dhepyasuwan, Nui
    Publication type:
  • Cochlear Implantation Outcomes in Pediatric Unilateral Hearing Loss: Impact of Device Use and Direct Input.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2024, v. 170, n. 5, p. 1449, doi. 10.1002/ohn.657
    • Magee, Lacey C.;
    • Dunn, Camille C.;
    • Vovos, Rachel;
    • Zeitler, Daniel M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Anne, Samantha
    Publication type:
  • Health‐Related Quality of Life in Children With Unilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss Following Cochlear Implantation.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2023, v. 168, n. 6, p. 1511, doi. 10.1002/ohn.165
    • Zeitler, Daniel M.;
    • Dunn, Camille;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • McCoy, Jennifer L.;
    • Jamis, Carmen;
    • Chi, David H.;
    • Goldberg, Donald M.;
    • Anne, Samantha
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Tympanostomy Tubes in Children (Update).

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2022, v. 166, p. S1, doi. 10.1177/01945998211065662
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Tunkel, David E.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Anne, Samantha;
    • Bishop, Charles E.;
    • Chelius, Daniel C.;
    • Hackell, Jesse;
    • Hunter, Lisa L.;
    • Keppel, Kristina L.;
    • Kim, Ana H.;
    • Kim, Tae W.;
    • Levine, Jack M.;
    • Maksimoski, Matthew T.;
    • Moore, Denee J.;
    • Preciado, Diego A.;
    • Raol, Nikhila P.;
    • Vaughan, William K.;
    • Walker, Elizabeth A.;
    • Monjur, Taskin M.
    Publication type:
  • Office Insertion of Tympanostomy Tubes and the Role of Automated Insertion Devices.

    Published in:
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Tunkel, David E.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Executive Summary of Clinical Practice Guideline on Tympanostomy Tubes in Children (Update).

    Published in:
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Tunkel, David E.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Anne, Samantha;
    • Bishop, Charles E.;
    • Chelius, Daniel C.;
    • Hackell, Jesse;
    • Hunter, Lisa L.;
    • Keppel, Kristina L.;
    • Kim, Ana H.;
    • Kim, Tae W.;
    • Levine, Jack M.;
    • Maksimoski, Matthew T.;
    • Moore, Denee J.;
    • Preciado, Diego A.;
    • Raol, Nikhila P.;
    • Vaughan, William K.;
    • Walker, Elizabeth A.;
    • Monjur, Taskin M.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Quality Improvement in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery: Developing Registry-Enabled Quality Measures From Guidelines for Cerumen Impaction and Allergic Rhinitis Through a Transparent and Systematic Process.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2022, v. 166, n. 1, p. 13, doi. 10.1177/01945998211011987
    • Michel, Jeremy J.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Dawson, Douglas E.;
    • Denneny III, James C.;
    • Erinoff, Eileen;
    • Dhepyasuwan, Nui;
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.
    Publication type:
  • Clinical Consensus Statement: Ankyloglossia in Children.

    Published in:
    • Messner, Anna H.;
    • Walsh, Jonathan;
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Ishman, Stacey L.;
    • Baldassari, Cristina;
    • Brietzke, Scott E.;
    • Darrow, David H.;
    • Goldstein, Nira;
    • Levi, Jessica;
    • Meyer, Anna K.;
    • Parikh, Sanjay;
    • Simons, Jeffrey P.;
    • Wohl, Daniel L.;
    • Lambie, Erin;
    • Satterfield, Lisa
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Ménière's Disease Executive Summary.

    Published in:
    • Basura, Gregory J.;
    • Adams, Meredith E.;
    • Monfared, Ashkan;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Antonelli, Patrick J.;
    • Burkard, Robert;
    • Bush, Matthew L.;
    • Bykowski, Julie;
    • Colandrea, Maria;
    • Derebery, Jennifer;
    • Kelly, Elizabeth A.;
    • Kerber, Kevin A.;
    • Koopman, Charles F.;
    • Kuch, Amy Angie;
    • Marcolini, Evie;
    • McKinnon, Brian J.;
    • Ruckenstein, Michael J.;
    • Valenzuela, Carla V.;
    • Vosooney, Alexis;
    • Walsh, Sandra A.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Ménière's Disease.

    Published in:
    • Basura, Gregory J.;
    • Adams, Meredith E.;
    • Monfared, Ashkan;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Antonelli, Patrick J.;
    • Burkard, Robert;
    • Bush, Matthew L.;
    • Bykowski, Julie;
    • Colandrea, Maria;
    • Derebery, Jennifer;
    • Kelly, Elizabeth A.;
    • Kerber, Kevin A.;
    • Koopman, Charles F.;
    • Kuch, Amy Angie;
    • Marcolini, Evie;
    • McKinnon, Brian J.;
    • Ruckenstein, Michael J.;
    • Valenzuela, Carla V.;
    • Vosooney, Alexis;
    • Walsh, Sandra A.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Tympanostomy Tubes in Children (Update).

    Published in:
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Tunkel, David E.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Anne, Samantha;
    • Bishop, Charles E.;
    • Chelius, Daniel C.;
    • Hackell, Jesse;
    • Hunter, Lisa L.;
    • Keppel, Kristina L.;
    • Kim, Ana H.;
    • Kim, Tae W.;
    • Levine, Jack M.;
    • Maksimoski, Matthew T.;
    • Moore, Denee J.;
    • Preciado, Diego A.;
    • Raol, Nikhila P.;
    • Vaughan, William K.;
    • Walker, Elizabeth A.;
    • Monjur, Taskin M.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Sudden Hearing Loss (Update).

    Published in:
    • Chandrasekhar, Sujana S.;
    • Tsai Do, Betty S.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Bontempo, Laura J.;
    • Faucett, Erynne A.;
    • Finestone, Sandra A.;
    • Hollingsworth, Deena B.;
    • Kelley, David M.;
    • Kmucha, Steven T.;
    • Moonis, Gul;
    • Poling, Gayla L.;
    • Roberts, J. Kirk;
    • Stachler, Robert J.;
    • Zeitler, Daniel M.;
    • Corrigan, Maureen D.;
    • Nnacheta, Lorraine C.;
    • Satterfield, Lisa
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Sudden Hearing Loss (Update) Executive Summary.

    Published in:
    • Chandrasekhar, Sujana S.;
    • Tsai Do, Betty S.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Bontempo, Laura J.;
    • Faucett, Erynne A.;
    • Finestone, Sandra A.;
    • Hollingsworth, Deena B.;
    • Kelley, David M.;
    • Kmucha, Steven T.;
    • Moonis, Gul;
    • Poling, Gayla L.;
    • Roberts, J. Kirk;
    • Stachler, Robert J.;
    • Zeitler, Daniel M.;
    • Corrigan, Maureen D.;
    • Nnacheta, Lorraine C.;
    • Satterfield, Lisa;
    • Monjur, Taskin M.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Comparison of Transmastoid and Middle Fossa Approaches for Superior Canal Dehiscence Repair: A Multi-institutional Study.

    Published in:
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Almosnino, Galit;
    • Noonan, Kathryn Y.;
    • Banakis Hartl, Renee M.;
    • Zeitler, Daniel M.;
    • Saunders, James E.;
    • Cass, Stephen P.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Hoarseness (Dysphonia) (Update).

    Published in:
    • Stachler, Robert J.;
    • Francis, David O.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Damask, Cecelia C.;
    • Digoy, German P.;
    • Krouse, Helene J.;
    • McCoy, Scott J.;
    • Ouellette, Daniel R.;
    • Patel, Rita R.;
    • Reavis, Charles (Charlie) W.;
    • Smith, Libby J.;
    • Smith, Marshall;
    • Strode, Steven W.;
    • Woo, Peak;
    • Nnacheta, Lorraine C.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Hoarseness (Dysphonia) (Update) Executive Summary.

    Published in:
    • Stachler, Robert J.;
    • Francis, David O.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Damask, Cecelia C.;
    • Digoy, German P.;
    • Krouse, Helene J.;
    • McCoy, Scott J.;
    • Ouellette, Daniel R.;
    • Patel, Rita R.;
    • Reavis, Charles (Charlie) W.;
    • Smith, Libby J.;
    • Smith, Marshall;
    • Strode, Steven W.;
    • Woo, Peak;
    • Nnacheta, Lorraine C.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (Update).

    Published in:
    • Bhattacharyya, Neil;
    • Gubbels, Samuel P.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Edlow, Jonathan A.;
    • El-Kashlan, Hussam;
    • Fife, Terry;
    • Holmberg, Janene M.;
    • Mahoney, Kathryn;
    • Hollingsworth, Deena B.;
    • Roberts, Richard;
    • Seidman, Michael D.;
    • Prasaad Steiner, Robert W.;
    • Do, Betty Tsai;
    • Voelker, Courtney C. J.;
    • Waguespack, Richard W.;
    • Corrigan, Maureen D.;
    • Steiner, Robert W Prasaad
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (Update) Executive Summary.

    Published in:
    • Bhattacharyya, Neil;
    • Gubbels, Samuel P.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Edlow, Jonathan A.;
    • El-Kashlan, Hussam;
    • Fife, Terry;
    • Holmberg, Janene M.;
    • Mahoney, Kathryn;
    • Hollingsworth, Deena B.;
    • Roberts, Richard;
    • Seidman, Michael D.;
    • Steiner, Robert W. Prasaad;
    • Betty Tsai Do;
    • Voelker, Courtney C. J.;
    • Waguespack, Richard W.;
    • Corrigan, Maureen D.;
    • Prasaad Steiner, Robert W;
    • Tsai Do, Betty
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline (Update): Earwax (Cerumen Impaction)

    Published in:
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Magit, Anthony E.;
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Ballachanda, Bopanna B.;
    • Hackell, Jesse M.;
    • Krouse, Helene J.;
    • Lawlor, Claire M.;
    • Lin, Kenneth;
    • Parham, Kourosh;
    • Stutz, David R.;
    • Walsh, Sandy;
    • Woodson, Erika A.;
    • Yanagisawa, Ken;
    • Cunningham Jr., Eugene R.;
    • Cunningham, Eugene R Jr
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline (Update): Earwax (Cerumen Impaction) Executive Summary.

    Published in:
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Magit, Anthony E.;
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Ballachanda, Bopanna B.;
    • Hackell, Jesse M.;
    • Krouse, Helene J.;
    • Lawlor, Claire M.;
    • Lin, Kenneth;
    • Parham, Kourosh;
    • Stutz, David R.;
    • Walsh, Sandy;
    • Woodson, Erika A.;
    • Yanagisawa, Ken;
    • Cunningham Jr., Eugene R.;
    • Cunningham, Eugene R Jr
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Otitis Media with Effusion Executive Summary (Update).

    Published in:
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Shin, Jennifer J.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Coggins, Robyn;
    • Gagnon, Lisa;
    • Hackell, Jesse M.;
    • Hoelting, David;
    • Hunter, Lisa L.;
    • Kummer, Ann W.;
    • Payne, Spencer C.;
    • Poe, Dennis S.;
    • Veling, Maria;
    • Vila, Peter M.;
    • Walsh, Sandra A.;
    • Corrigan, Maureen D.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Otitis Media with Effusion (Update).

    Published in:
    • Rosenfeld, Richard M.;
    • Shin, Jennifer J.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Coggins, Robyn;
    • Gagnon, Lisa;
    • Hackell, Jesse M.;
    • Hoelting, David;
    • Hunter, Lisa L.;
    • Kummer, Ann W.;
    • Payne, Spencer C.;
    • Poe, Dennis S.;
    • Veling, Maria;
    • Vila, Peter M.;
    • Walsh, Sandra A.;
    • Corrigan, Maureen D.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Clinical Practice Guideline: Allergic Rhinitis.

    Published in:
    Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2015, v. 152, n. 1, p. S1, doi. 10.1177/0194599814561600
    • Seidman, Michael D.;
    • Gurgel, Richard K.;
    • Lin, Sandra Y.;
    • Schwartz, Seth R.;
    • Baroody, Fuad M.;
    • Bonner, James R.;
    • Dawson, Douglas E.;
    • Dykewicz, Mark S.;
    • Hackell, Jesse M.;
    • Han, Joseph K.;
    • Ishman, Stacey L.;
    • Krouse, Helene J.;
    • Malekzadeh, Sonya;
    • Mims, James (Whit) W.;
    • Omole, Folashade S.;
    • Reddy, William D.;
    • Wallace, Dana V.;
    • Walsh, Sandra A.;
    • Warren, Barbara E.;
    • Wilson, Meghan N.
    Publication type: