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  • Rare and low-frequency coding genetic variants contribute to pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis.

    Published in:
    Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2023, v. 29, n. 4/5, p. 505, doi. 10.1177/13524585221150736
    • Horton, Mary K;
    • Shim, Joan E;
    • Wallace, Amelia;
    • Graves, Jennifer S;
    • Aaen, Gregory;
    • Greenberg, Benjamin;
    • Mar, Soe;
    • Wheeler, Yolanda;
    • Weinstock-Guttman, Bianca;
    • Waldman, Amy;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Rodriguez, Moses;
    • Tillema, Jan-Mendelt;
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Krupp, Lauren;
    • Casper, T Charles;
    • Rensel, Mary;
    • Hart, Janace;
    • Quach, Hong L;
    • Quach, Diana L
    Publication type:
  • Characteristics of pediatric patients with multiple sclerosis and related disorders infected with SARS-CoV-2.

    Published in:
    Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2023, v. 29, n. 4/5, p. 576, doi. 10.1177/13524585231151948
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Wilson-Murphy, Molly;
    • Mendelt-Tillema, Jan;
    • Waltz, Michael;
    • Codden, Rachel;
    • Benson, Leslie;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Goyal, Manu;
    • Krupp, Lauren;
    • Lotze, Tim;
    • Mar, Soe;
    • Ness, Jayne;
    • Rensel, Mary;
    • Roalstad, Shelly;
    • Rodriguez, Moses;
    • Rose, John;
    • Shukla, Nikita;
    • Waubant, Emmanuelle;
    • Wheeler, Yolanda;
    • Casper, T Charles
    Publication type:
  • A new look at cognitive functioning in pediatric MS.

    Published in:
    Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2023, v. 29, n. 1, p. 140, doi. 10.1177/13524585221123978
    • Krupp, Lauren B;
    • Waubant, Emmanuelle;
    • Waltz, Michael;
    • Casper, T Charles;
    • Belman, Anita;
    • Wheeler, Yolanda;
    • Ness, Jayne;
    • Graves, Jennifer;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Benson, Leslie;
    • Mar, Soe;
    • Goyal, Manu;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Weinstock-Guttman, Bianca;
    • Rodriguez, Moses;
    • Tillema, Jan-Mendelt;
    • Lotze, Timothy;
    • Aaen, Greg;
    • Rensel, Mary;
    • Rose, John
    Publication type:
  • Rituximab in patients with pediatric multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating disorders of the CNS: Practical considerations.

    Published in:
    Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2021, v. 27, n. 12, p. 1814, doi. 10.1177/1352458520932798
    • Ghezzi, Angelo;
    • Banwell, Brenda;
    • Bar-Or, Amit;
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Dale, Russell C;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Kornek, Barbara;
    • Krupp, Lauren;
    • Krysko, Kristen M;
    • Nosadini, Margherita;
    • Rostasy, Kevin;
    • Salzer, Jonatan;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Tenembaum, Silvia;
    • Waubant, Emmanuelle
    Publication type:
  • Cognitive processing speed in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis: Baseline characteristics of impairment and prediction of decline.

    Published in:
    Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2020, v. 26, n. 14, p. 1938, doi. 10.1177/1352458519891984
    • Wallach, Asya I;
    • Waltz, Michael;
    • Casper, T Charles;
    • Aaen, Gregory;
    • Belman, Anita;
    • Benson, Leslie;
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Graves, Jennifer;
    • Harris, Yolanda;
    • Lotze, Timothy E;
    • Mar, Soe;
    • Moodley, Manikum;
    • Ness, Jayne M;
    • Rensel, Mary;
    • Rodriguez, Moses;
    • Rose, John W;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Tillema, Jan-Mendelt;
    • Waubant, Emmanuelle
    Publication type:
  • Vitamin D genes influence MS relapses in children.

    Published in:
    Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2020, v. 26, n. 8, p. 894, doi. 10.1177/1352458519845842
    • Graves, Jennifer S;
    • Barcellos, Lisa F;
    • Krupp, Lauren;
    • Belman, Anita;
    • Shao, Xiaorong;
    • Quach, Hong;
    • Hart, Janace;
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Weinstock-Guttman, Bianca;
    • Aaen, Gregory;
    • Benson, Leslie;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Greenberg, Benjamin;
    • Lotze, Timothy;
    • Soe, Mar;
    • Ness, Jayne;
    • Rodriguez, Moses;
    • Rose, John;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Tillema, Jan-Mendelt
    Publication type:
  • Genetic risk factors for pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis.

    Published in:
    Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2018, v. 24, n. 14, p. 1825, doi. 10.1177/1352458517733551
    • Gianfrancesco, Milena A.;
    • Stridh, Pernilla;
    • Shao, Xiaorong;
    • Rhead, Brooke;
    • Graves, Jennifer S.;
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Waldman, Amy;
    • Lotze, Timothy;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Belman, Anita;
    • Greenberg, Benjamin;
    • Weinstock–Guttman, Bianca;
    • Aaen, Gregory;
    • Tillema, Jan M.;
    • Hart, Janace;
    • Caillier, Stacy;
    • Ness, Jayne;
    • Harris, Yolanda;
    • Rubin, Jennifer;
    • Candee, Meghan
    Publication type:
  • Dietary factors and pediatric multiple sclerosis: A case-control study.

    Published in:
    Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2018, v. 24, n. 8, p. 1067, doi. 10.1177/1352458517713343
    • Pakpoor, Julia;
    • Seminatore, Brandon;
    • Graves, Jennifer S.;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Waldman, Amy T.;
    • Lotze, Timothy E.;
    • Belman, Anita;
    • Greenberg, Benjamin M.;
    • Weinstock-Guttman, Bianca;
    • Aaen, Gregory;
    • Tillema, Jan-Mendelt;
    • McDonald, Jamie C.;
    • Hart, Janace;
    • Ness, Jayne M.;
    • Harris, Yolanda;
    • Rubin, Jennifer;
    • Candee, Meghan;
    • Krupp, Lauren;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Benson, Leslie
    Publication type:
  • Risk factors for non-adherence to disease-modifying therapy in pediatric multiple sclerosis.

    Published in:
    Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2018, v. 24, n. 2, p. 175, doi. 10.1177/1352458517695469
    • Schwartz, Carolyn E.;
    • Grover, Stephanie A.;
    • Powell, Victoria E.;
    • Noguera, Austin;
    • Mah, Jean K.;
    • Mar, Soe;
    • Mednick, Lauren;
    • Banwell, Brenda L.;
    • Alper, Gulay;
    • Rensel, Mary;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Waldman, Amy;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Waubant, Emmanuelle;
    • Yeh, E. Ann
    Publication type:
  • (DAM02) Menarche and Relapses in Girls with Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis.

    Published in:
    International Journal of MS Care, 2020, v. 22, n. S2, p. 1
    • Krysko, Kristen M.;
    • Waltz, Michael;
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Weinstock-Guttman, Bianca;
    • Aaen, Greg;
    • Benson, Leslie;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Harris, Yolanda;
    • Krupp, Lauren B.;
    • Lotze, Timothy;
    • Mar, Soe;
    • Moodley, Manikum;
    • Ness, Jayne;
    • Rensel, Mary;
    • Rodriguez, Moses;
    • Rose, John;
    • Rutatangwa, Alice;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Waubant, Emmanuelle;
    • Casper, T. Charles
    Publication type:
  • Improved relapse recovery in paediatric compared to adult multiple sclerosis.

    Published in:
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Aaen, Greg;
    • Belman, Anita;
    • Benson, Leslie;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Goyal, Manu S;
    • Graves, Jennifer S;
    • Harris, Yolanda;
    • Krupp, Lauren;
    • Lotze, Timothy;
    • Mar, Soe;
    • Ness, Jayne;
    • Rensel, Mary;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Tillema, Jan-Mendelt;
    • Waubant, Emmanuelle;
    • Weinstock-Guttman, Bianca;
    • Roalstad, Shelly;
    • Rose, John;
    • Weiner, Howard L
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Real-World Effectiveness of Initial Disease-Modifying Therapies in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis.

    Published in:
    • Krysko, Kristen M.;
    • Graves, Jennifer S.;
    • Rensel, Mary;
    • Weinstock‐Guttman, Bianca;
    • Rutatangwa, Alice;
    • Aaen, Gregory;
    • Belman, Anita;
    • Benson, Leslie;
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Goyal, Manu S.;
    • Harris, Yolanda;
    • Krupp, Lauren;
    • Lotze, Timothy;
    • Mar, Soe;
    • Moodley, Manikum;
    • Ness, Jayne;
    • Rodriguez, Moses;
    • Rose, John;
    • Schreiner, Teri
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Acute flaccid myelitis: A clinical review of US cases 2012-2015.

    Published in:
    • Messacar, Kevin;
    • Schreiner, Teri L.;
    • Van Haren, Keith;
    • Yang, Michele;
    • Glaser, Carol A.;
    • Tyler, Kenneth L.;
    • Dominguez, Samuel R.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • miRNA contributions to pediatric‐onset multiple sclerosis inferred from GWAS.

    Published in:
    Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology, 2019, v. 6, n. 6, p. 1053, doi. 10.1002/acn3.786
    • Rhead, Brooke;
    • Shao, Xiaorong;
    • Graves, Jennifer S.;
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Waldman, Amy T.;
    • Lotze, Timothy;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Belman, Anita;
    • Krupp, Lauren;
    • Greenberg, Benjamin M.;
    • Weinstock–Guttman, Bianca;
    • Aaen, Gregory;
    • Tillema, Jan M.;
    • Rodriguez, Moses;
    • Hart, Janace;
    • Caillier, Stacy;
    • Ness, Jayne;
    • Harris, Yolanda;
    • Rubin, Jennifer;
    • Candee, Meghan S.
    Publication type:
  • Heterogeneity in association of remote herpesvirus infections and pediatric MS.

    Published in:
    Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology, 2018, v. 5, n. 10, p. 1222, doi. 10.1002/acn3.636
    • Nourbakhsh, Bardia;
    • Harris, Yolanda;
    • Ness, Jayne;
    • Kahn, Ilana;
    • Lotze, Timothy;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Aaen, Gregory;
    • Rubin, Jennifer;
    • Tillema, Jan‐Mendelt;
    • Rodriguez, Moses;
    • Krupp, Lauren;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Benson, Leslie;
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Rutatangwa, Alice;
    • Rose, John;
    • Candee, Meghan;
    • Weinstock‐Guttman, Bianca;
    • Shao, Xiaorong;
    • Barcellos, Lisa
    Publication type:
  • Urban air quality and associations with pediatric multiple sclerosis.

    Published in:
    Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology, 2018, v. 5, n. 10, p. 1146, doi. 10.1002/acn3.616
    • Lavery, Amy M.;
    • Waldman, Amy T.;
    • Benson, Leslie;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Moodley, Manikum;
    • Rensel, Mary;
    • Goyal, Manu;
    • Mar, Soe;
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Lotze, Tim;
    • Greenberg, Benjamin;
    • Kahn, Ilana;
    • Rubin, Jennifer;
    • Waubant, Emmanuelle;
    • Graves, Jennifer;
    • Casper, T. Charles;
    • Roalstad, Shelly;
    • Candee, Meghan;
    • Rose, John
    Publication type:
  • Distinct effects of obesity and puberty on risk and age at onset of pediatric MS.

    Published in:
    Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology, 2016, v. 3, n. 12, p. 897, doi. 10.1002/acn3.365
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Graves, Jennifer;
    • Weinstock‐Guttman, Bianca;
    • Belman, Anita;
    • Olsen, Cody;
    • Misra, Madhusmita;
    • Aaen, Gregory;
    • Benson, Leslie;
    • Candee, Meghan;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Greenberg, Benjamin;
    • Krupp, Lauren;
    • Lotze, Timothy;
    • Mar, Soe;
    • Ness, Jayne;
    • Rose, John;
    • Rubin, Jennifer;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Tillema, Jan;
    • Waldman, Amy
    Publication type:
  • 1889. Clinical Features Distinguishing Enterovirus A71 and Enterovirus D68-Associated Acute Flaccid Myelitis in Colorado, 2013–2018.

    Published in:
    Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 2019, v. 6, p. S54, doi. 10.1093/ofid/ofz359.119
    • Messacar, Kevin;
    • Spence-Davizon, Emily;
    • Osborne, Christina;
    • Press, Craig;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Martin, Jan;
    • Messer, Ricka;
    • Maloney, John;
    • Burakoff, Alexis;
    • Barnes, Meghan;
    • Abzug, Mark;
    • Tyler, Ken;
    • Dominguez, Samuel
    Publication type:
  • Attitudes, perceptions, and use of marijuana in youth with multiple sclerosis.

    Published in:
    Journal of Neurology, 2018, v. 265, n. 2, p. 417, doi. 10.1007/s00415-017-8715-5
    • Brenton, J. Nicholas;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Karoscik, Krystle;
    • Richter, Meg;
    • Ferrante, Samantha;
    • Waldman, Amy;
    • Banwell, Brenda
    Publication type:
  • Safety and patient experience with at‐home infusion of ocrelizumab for multiple sclerosis.

    Published in:
    Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology, 2023, v. 10, n. 4, p. 579, doi. 10.1002/acn3.51745
    • Barrera, Britney;
    • Simpson, Haley;
    • Engebretson, Eric;
    • Sillau, Stefan;
    • Valdez, Brooke;
    • Parra‐González, José;
    • Winger, Ryan C.;
    • Epperson, Lou Anne;
    • Banks, Ashley;
    • Pierce, Kathryn;
    • Spotts, Melanie;
    • O'Gean, Katie;
    • Alvarez, Enrique;
    • Gross, Robert;
    • Piquet, Amanda L.;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Corboy, John R.;
    • Pei, Jinglan;
    • Vollmer, Timothy L.;
    • Nair, Kavita V.
    Publication type:
  • Evaluation of multiple consensus criteria for autoimmune encephalitis and temporal analysis of symptoms in a pediatric encephalitis cohort.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Neurology, 2022, v. 13, p. 01, doi. 10.3389/fneur.2022.952317
    • Pointon, Tiffany;
    • Ward, Ryan;
    • Yeshokumar, Anusha;
    • Piquet, Amanda;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Kammeyer, Ryan
    Publication type:
  • Current and Emerging Therapies for the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis: Focus on Cladribine.

    Published in:
    Journal of Central Nervous System Disease, 2012, v. 4, n. 3, p. 1, doi. 10.4137/JCNSD.S5128
    • Schreiner, Teri L.;
    • Miravalle, Augusto
    Publication type:
  • Current and merging Therapies for the Treatment of Multiple clerosis: Focus on ladribine.

    Published in:
    Journal of Central Nervous System Disease, 2012, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.4137/JCNSD.S5128
    • Schreiner, Teri L.;
    • Miravalle, Augusto
    Publication type:
  • Admixture mapping reveals evidence of differential multiple sclerosis risk by genetic ancestry.

    Published in:
    PLoS Genetics, 2019, v. 15, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007808
    • Chi, Calvin;
    • Shao, Xiaorong;
    • Rhead, Brooke;
    • Gonzales, Edlin;
    • Smith, Jessica B.;
    • Xiang, Anny H.;
    • Graves, Jennifer;
    • Waldman, Amy;
    • Lotze, Timothy;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Weinstock-Guttman, Bianca;
    • Aaen, Gregory;
    • Tillema, Jan-Mendelt;
    • Ness, Jayne;
    • Candee, Meghan;
    • Krupp, Lauren;
    • Gorman, Mark;
    • Benson, Leslie;
    • Chitnis, Tanuja;
    • Mar, Soe
    Publication type:
  • Acute neurologic illness of unknown etiology in children - Colorado, August-September 2014.

    Published in:
    • Pastula, Daniel M;
    • Aliabadi, Negar;
    • Haynes, Amber K;
    • Messacar, Kevin;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Maloney, John;
    • Dominguez, Samuel R;
    • Davizon, Emily Spence;
    • Leshem, Eyal;
    • Fischer, Marc;
    • Nix, W Allan;
    • Oberste, M Steven;
    • Seward, Jane;
    • Feikin, Daniel;
    • Miller, Lisa;
    • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Acute Neurologic Illness of Unknown Etiology in Children -- Colorado, August-September 2014.

    Published in:
    MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report, 2014, v. 63, n. 40, p. 901
    • Pastula, Daniel M.;
    • Aliabadi, Negar;
    • Haynes, Amber K.;
    • Messacar, Kevin;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Maloney, John;
    • Dominguez, Samuel R.;
    • Davizon, Emily Spence;
    • Leshem, Eyal;
    • Fischer, Marc;
    • Nix, W. Allan;
    • Oberste, M. Steven;
    • Seward, Jane;
    • Feikin, Daniel;
    • Miller, Lisa
    Publication type:
  • Cortical Vein Thrombosis, Tortuous Venous Vasculature, and Microhemorrhages in Neurosarcoidosis.

    Published in:
    JAMA Neurology, 2021, v. 78, n. 4, p. 491, doi. 10.1001/jamaneurol.2020.5440
    • Kammeyer, Ryan;
    • Schreiner, Teri
    Publication type:
  • An 8-Year-Old Boy With Ascending Paralysis.

    Published in:
    • Olson, Daniel;
    • Moen, Amanda;
    • Barr, Emily;
    • Mirsky, David;
    • Schreiner, Teri;
    • Abzug, Mark J.
    Publication type:
    Case Study