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  • A metabolomic approach for diagnosis of experimental sepsis.

    Published in:
    • Izquierdo-García, José;
    • Nin, Nicolás;
    • Ruíz-Cabello, Jesús;
    • Rojas, Yeny;
    • Paula, Marta;
    • López-Cuenca, Sonia;
    • Morales, Luis;
    • Martínez-Caro, Leticia;
    • Fernández-Segoviano, Pilar;
    • Esteban, Andrés;
    • Lorente, José;
    • Izquierdo-García, José L;
    • Nin, Nicolás;
    • Ruíz-Cabello, Jesús;
    • de Paula, Marta;
    • López-Cuenca, Sonia;
    • Martínez-Caro, Leticia;
    • Fernández-Segoviano, Pilar;
    • Esteban, Andrés;
    • Lorente, José A
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Ablation of the stress protease OMA1 protects against heart failure in mice.

    Published in:
    Science Translational Medicine, 2018, v. 10, n. 434, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scitranslmed.aan4935
    • Acin-Perez, Rebeca;
    • Lechuga-Vieco, Ana Victoria;
    • del Mar Muñoz, Maria;
    • Nieto-Arellano, Rocío;
    • Torroja, Carlos;
    • Sánchez-Cabo, Fátima;
    • Jiménez, Concepción;
    • González-Guerra, Andrés;
    • Carrascoso, Isabel;
    • Benincá, Cristiane;
    • Quiros, Pedro M.;
    • López-Otín, Carlos;
    • Castellano, José María;
    • Ruíz-Cabello, Jesús;
    • Jiménez-Borreguero, Luis Jesús;
    • Enríquez, José Antonio
    Publication type:
  • MicroRNA Nanotherapeutics for Lung Targeting. Insights into Pulmonary Hypertension.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, v. 21, n. 9, p. 3253, doi. 10.3390/ijms21093253
    • Carregal-Romero, Susana;
    • Fadón, Lucía;
    • Berra, Edurne;
    • Ruíz-Cabello, Jesús
    Publication type:
  • Effects of oxygen and glucose deprivation on the expression and distribution of neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthases and on protein nitration in rat cerebral cortex.

    Published in:
    Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2002, v. 443, n. 2, p. 183, doi. 10.1002/cne.10111
    • Alonso, David;
    • Serrano, Julia;
    • Rodríguez, Ignacio;
    • Ruíz-Cabello, Jesús;
    • Fernández, Ana Patricia;
    • Encinas, Juan Manuel;
    • Castro-Blanco, Susana;
    • Bentura, María Luisa;
    • Santacana, María;
    • Richart, Ana;
    • Fernández-Vizarra, Paula;
    • Uttenthal, Lars Otto;
    • Rodrigo, José
    Publication type:
  • Ultrasmall Manganese Ferrites for In Vivo Catalase Mimicking Activity and Multimodal Bioimaging.

    Published in:
    Small, 2022, v. 18, n. 16, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/smll.202106570
    • Carregal‐Romero, Susana;
    • Miguel‐Coello, Ana Beatriz;
    • Martínez‐Parra, Lydia;
    • Martí‐Mateo, Yolanda;
    • Hernansanz‐Agustín, Pablo;
    • Fernández‐Afonso, Yilian;
    • Plaza‐García, Sandra;
    • Gutiérrez, Lucía;
    • Muñoz‐Hernández, María del Mar;
    • Carrillo‐Romero, Juliana;
    • Piñol‐Cancer, Marina;
    • Lecante, Pierre;
    • Blasco‐Iturri, Zuriñe;
    • Fadón, Lucía;
    • Almansa‐García, Ana C.;
    • Möller, Marco;
    • Otaegui, Dorleta;
    • Enríquez, Jose Antonio;
    • Groult, Hugo;
    • Ruíz‐Cabello, Jesús
    Publication type: