Found: 2

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  • Postmortem Findings for 7 Neonates with Congenital Zika Virus Infection.

    Published in:
    • Sousa, Anastácio Q.;
    • Cavalcante, Diane I. M.;
    • Franco, Luciano M.;
    • Araújo, Fernanda M. C.;
    • Sousa, Emília T.;
    • Valença-Junior, José Telmo;
    • Rolim, Dionne B.;
    • Melo, Maria E. L.;
    • Sindeaux, Pedro D. T.;
    • Araújo, Marialva T. F.;
    • Pearson, Richard D.;
    • Wilson, Mary E.;
    • Pompeu, Margarida M. L.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Review Article: A Review of Melioidosis Cases in the Americas.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 2015, v. 93, n. 6, p. 1134, doi. 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0405
    • Benoit, Tina J.;
    • Blaney, David D.;
    • Doker, Thomas J.;
    • Gee, Jay E.;
    • Elrod, Mindy G.;
    • Rolim, Dionne B.;
    • Inglis, Timothy J. J.;
    • Hoffmaster, Alex R.;
    • Bower, William A.;
    • Walke, Henry T.
    Publication type: