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  • 5-HTP inhibits eosinophilia via intracellular endothelial 5-HTRs; SNPs in 5-HTRs associate with asthmatic lung function.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Allergy, 2024, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/falgy.2024.1385168
    • Walker, Matthew T.;
    • Bloodworth, Jeffrey C.;
    • Kountz, Timothy S.;
    • McCarty, Samantha L.;
    • Green, Jeremy E.;
    • Ferrie, Ryan P.;
    • Campbell, Jackson A.;
    • Averill, Samantha H.;
    • Beckman, Kenneth B.;
    • Grammer, Leslie C.;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Farber, Harold J.;
    • Rodriguez-Cintron, William;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Serebrisky, Denise;
    • Thyne, Shannon M.;
    • Seibold, Max A.;
    • Burchard, Esteban G.;
    • Kumar, Rajesh
    Publication type:
  • Latino Populations: A Unique Opportunity for the Study of Race, Genetics, and Social Environment in Epidemiological Research.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Public Health, 2005, v. 95, n. 12, p. 2161, doi. 10.2105/AJPH.2005.068668
    • Burchard, Esteban González;
    • Borrell, Luisa N.;
    • Choudhry, Shweta;
    • Naqvi, Mariam;
    • Hui-Ju Tsai;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Chapela, Rocio;
    • Rogers, Scott D.;
    • Rui Mei;
    • Rodriguez-Cintron, William;
    • Arena, Jose F.;
    • Kittles, Rick;
    • Perez-Stable, Eliseo J.;
    • Ziv, Elad;
    • Risch, Neil
    Publication type:
  • Differential methylation between ethnic sub-groups reflects the effect of genetic ancestry and environmental exposures.

    Published in:
    eLife, 2017, p. 1, doi. 10.7554/eLife.20532
    • Galanter, Joshua M.;
    • Gignoux, Christopher R.;
    • Oh, Sam S.;
    • Torgerson, Dara;
    • Pino-Yanes, Maria;
    • Thakur, Neeta;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Donglei Hu;
    • Scott Huntsman;
    • Farber, Harold J.;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Brigino-Buenaventura, Emerita;
    • LeNoir, Michael A.;
    • Meade, Kelly;
    • Serebrisky, Denise;
    • Rodríguez-Cintrón, William;
    • Kumar, Rajesh;
    • Rodríguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Seibold, Max A.;
    • Borrell, Luisa N.
    Publication type:
  • Polymorphism in Osteopontin Gene ( SPP1) Is Associated with Asthma and Related Phenotypes in a Puerto Rican Population.

    Published in:
    Pediatric Allergy, Immunology & Pulmonology, 2011, v. 24, n. 4, p. 207, doi. 10.1089/ped.2011.0095
    • Arjomandi, Mehrdad;
    • Galanter, Josh M.;
    • Choudhry, Shweta;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Hu, Donglei;
    • Beckman, Kenneth;
    • Chapela, Rocío;
    • Rodríguez-Santana, José R.;
    • Rodríguez-Cintrón, William;
    • Ford, Jean;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Burchard, Esteban G.
    Publication type:
  • Polymorphism in Osteopontin Gene (SPP1) Is Associated with Asthma and Related Phenotypes in a Puerto Rican Population.

    Published in:
    • Arjomandi, Mehrdad;
    • Galanter, Josh M.;
    • Choudhry, Shweta;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Hu, Donglei;
    • Beckman, Kenneth;
    • Chapela, Rocío;
    • Rodríguez-Santana, José R.;
    • Rodríguez-Cintrón, William;
    • Ford, Jean;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Burchard, Esteban G.
    Publication type:
    Journal Article
  • Identification of KIF3A as a Novel Candidate Gene for Childhood Asthma Using RNA Expression and Population Allelic Frequencies Differences.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2011, v. 6, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0023714
    • Kovacic, Melinda Butsch;
    • Myers, Jocelyn M. Biagini;
    • Ning Wang;
    • Martin, Lisa J.;
    • Lindsey, Mark;
    • Ericksen, Mark B.;
    • Hua He;
    • Patterson, Tia L.;
    • Baye, Tesfaye M.;
    • Torgerson, Dara;
    • Roth, Lindsey A.;
    • Gupta, Jayanta;
    • Sivaprasad, Umasundari;
    • Gibson, Aaron M.;
    • Tsoras, Anna M.;
    • Donglei Hu;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Chapela, Rocío;
    • Rodríguez-Santana, José R.;
    • Rodríguez-Cintro' n, William
    Publication type:
  • Identification of a novel locus associated with skin colour in African-admixed populations.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2017, p. 44548, doi. 10.1038/srep44548
    • Hernandez-Pacheco, Natalia;
    • Flores, Carlos;
    • Alonso, Santos;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Mak, Angel C. Y.;
    • Hunstman, Scott;
    • Hu, Donglei;
    • White, Marquitta J.;
    • Oh, Sam S.;
    • Meade, Kelley;
    • Farber, Harold J.;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Serebrisky, Denise;
    • Thyne, Shannon M.;
    • Brigino-Buenaventura, Emerita;
    • Rodriguez-Cintron, William;
    • Sen, Saunak;
    • Kumar, Rajesh;
    • Lenoir, Michael;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.
    Publication type:
  • Differential asthma odds following respiratory infection in children from three minority populations.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2020, v. 15, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0231782
    • Wohlford, Eric M.;
    • Borrell, Luisa N.;
    • Elhawary, Jennifer R.;
    • Plotkin, Brian;
    • Oh, Sam S.;
    • Nuckton, Thomas J.;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Salazar, Sandra;
    • LeNoir, Michael A.;
    • Meade, Kelley;
    • Farber, Harold J.;
    • Serebrisky, Denise;
    • Brigino-Buenaventura, Emerita;
    • Rodriguez-Cintron, William;
    • Kumar, Rajesh;
    • Thyne, Shannon;
    • Seibold, Max A.;
    • Rodríguez-Santana, José R.;
    • Burchard, Esteban G.
    Publication type:
  • Genetic Ancestry to Improve Precision of Race/Ethnicity-based Lung Function Equations in Children.

    Published in:
    • Witonsky, Jonathan;
    • Elhawary, Jennifer R.;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Rodríguez-Santana, José R.;
    • Borrell, Luisa N.;
    • Burchard, Esteban G.
    Publication type:
  • Early-life air pollution and asthma risk in minority children. The GALA II and SAGE II studies.

    Published in:
    • Nishimura, Katherine K;
    • Galanter, Joshua M;
    • Roth, Lindsey A;
    • Oh, Sam S;
    • Thakur, Neeta;
    • Nguyen, Elizabeth A;
    • Thyne, Shannon;
    • Farber, Harold J;
    • Serebrisky, Denise;
    • Kumar, Rajesh;
    • Brigino-Buenaventura, Emerita;
    • Davis, Adam;
    • Lenoir, Michael A;
    • Meade, Kelley;
    • Rodriguez-Cintron, William;
    • Avila, Pedro C;
    • Borrell, Luisa N;
    • Bibbins-Domingo, Kirsten;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R;
    • Sen, Saunak
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Early-Life Air Pollution and Asthma Risk in Minority Children.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2013, v. 188, n. 3, p. 309, doi. 10.1164/rccm.201302-0264oc
    • Nishimura, Katherine K.;
    • Galanter, Joshua M.;
    • Roth, Lindsey A.;
    • Oh, Sam S.;
    • Thakur, Neeta;
    • Nguyen, Elizabeth A.;
    • Thyne, Shannon;
    • Farbers, Harold J.;
    • Serebrisky, Denise;
    • Kumar, Rajesh;
    • Brigino-Buenaventura, Emerita;
    • Davis, Adam;
    • LeNoir, Michael A.;
    • Meade, Kelley;
    • Rodriguez-Cintron, William;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Borreil, Luisa N.;
    • Bibbins-Domingo, Kirsten;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Sen, Śaunak
    Publication type:
  • Childhood obesity and asthma control in the GALA II and SAGE II studies.

    Published in:
    • Borrell, Luisa N;
    • Nguyen, Elizabeth A;
    • Roth, Lindsey A;
    • Oh, Sam S;
    • Tcheurekdjian, Haig;
    • Sen, Saunak;
    • Davis, Adam;
    • Farber, Harold J;
    • Avila, Pedro C;
    • Brigino-Buenaventura, Emerita;
    • Lenoir, Michael A;
    • Lurmann, Fred;
    • Meade, Kelley;
    • Serebrisky, Denise;
    • Rodriguez-Cintron, William;
    • Kumar, Rajesh;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R;
    • Thyne, Shannon M;
    • Burchard, Esteban G
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Childhood Obesity and Asthma Control in the GALA II and SAGE II Studies.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2013, v. 187, n. 7, p. 697, doi. 10.1164/rccm.201211-2116oc
    • Borrell, Luisa N.;
    • Nguyen, Elizabeth A.;
    • Roth, Lindsey A.;
    • Oh, Sam S.;
    • Tcheurekdjian, Haig;
    • Sen, Saunak;
    • Davis, Adam;
    • Färber, Harold J.;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Brigino-Buenaventura, Emérita;
    • LeNoir, Michael A.;
    • Lurmann, Fred;
    • Meade, Kelley;
    • Serebrisky, Denise;
    • Rodriguez-Cintron, William;
    • Kumar, Rajesh;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Thyne, Shannon M.;
    • Burchard, Esteban G.
    Publication type:
  • Expression of SMARCD1 interacts with age in association with asthma control on inhaled corticosteroid therapy.

    Published in:
    • McGeachie, Michael J.;
    • Sordillo, Joanne E.;
    • Dahlin, Amber;
    • Wang, Alberta L.;
    • Lutz, Sharon M.;
    • Tantisira, Kelan G.;
    • Panganiban, Ronald;
    • Lu, Quan;
    • Sajuthi, Satria;
    • Urbanek, Cydney;
    • Kelly, Rachel;
    • Saef, Benjamin;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Oh, Sam S.;
    • Kho, Alvin T.;
    • Croteau-Chonka, Damien C.;
    • Weiss, Scott T.;
    • Raby, Benjamin A.;
    • Mak, Angel C. Y.;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Lymph node–resident dendritic cells drive T<sub>H</sub>2 cell development involving MARCH1.

    Published in:
    Science Immunology, 2021, v. 6, n. 64, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/sciimmunol.abh0707
    • Castellanos, Carlos A.;
    • Ren, Xin;
    • Gonzalez, Steven Lomeli;
    • Li, Hong Kun;
    • Schroeder, Andrew W.;
    • Liang, Hong-Erh;
    • Laidlaw, Brian J.;
    • Hu, Donglei;
    • Mak, Angel C.Y.;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Rodríguez-Santana, José R.;
    • LeNoir, Michael;
    • Yan, Qi;
    • Celedón, Juan C.;
    • Burchard, Esteban G.;
    • Zamvil, Scott S.;
    • Ishido, Satoshi;
    • Locksley, Richard M.;
    • Cyster, Jason G.;
    • Huang, Xiaozhu
    Publication type:
  • Racial/Ethnic‐Specific Differences in the Effects of Inhaled Corticosteroid Use on Bronchodilator Response in Patients With Asthma.

    Published in:
    Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2019, v. 106, n. 5, p. 1133, doi. 10.1002/cpt.1555
    • Samedy‐Bates, Lesly‐Anne;
    • Oh, Sam S.;
    • Nuckton, Thomas J.;
    • Elhawary, Jennifer R.;
    • White, Marquitta;
    • Elliot, Tyronda;
    • Zeiger, Andy M.;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Salazar, Sandra;
    • LeNoir, Michael A.;
    • Meade, Kelley;
    • Farber, Harold J.;
    • Serebrisky, Denise;
    • Brigino‐Buenaventura, Emerita;
    • Rodriguez‐Cintron, William;
    • Bibbins‐Domingo, Kirsten;
    • Kumar, Rajesh;
    • Thyne, Shannon;
    • Borrell, Luisa N.;
    • Rodriguez‐Santana, José R.
    Publication type:
  • Genome‐wide association study reveals a novel locus for asthma with severe exacerbations in diverse populations.

    Published in:
    Pediatric Allergy & Immunology, 2021, v. 32, n. 1, p. 106, doi. 10.1111/pai.13337
    • Herrera‐Luis, Esther;
    • Espuela‐Ortiz, Antonio;
    • Lorenzo‐Diaz, Fabian;
    • Keys, Kevin L.;
    • Mak, Angel C. Y.;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Huntsman, Scott;
    • Villar, Jesús;
    • Rodriguez‐Santana, Jose R.;
    • Burchard, Esteban G.;
    • Pino‐Yanes, Maria;
    • Genuneit, Jon
    Publication type:
  • Role of Sex on the Genetic Susceptibility to Childhood Asthma in Latinos and African Americans.

    Published in:
    Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2021, v. 11, n. 11, p. 1140, doi. 10.3390/jpm11111140
    • Espuela-Ortiz, Antonio;
    • Herrera-Luis, Esther;
    • Lorenzo-Díaz, Fabián;
    • Hu, Donglei;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Villar, Jesús;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Burchard, Esteban G.;
    • Pino-Yanes, María
    Publication type:
  • Association of a PAI-1 Gene Polymorphism and Early Life Infections with Asthma Risk, Exacerbations, and Reduced Lung Function.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2016, v. 11, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0157848
    • Cho, Seong H.;
    • Min, Jin-Young;
    • Kim, Dong Young;
    • Oh, Sam S.;
    • Torgerson, Dara R.;
    • Pino-Yanes, Maria;
    • Hu, Donglei;
    • Sen, Saunak;
    • Huntsman, Scott;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Farber, Harold J.;
    • Rodriguez-Cintron, William;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Serebrisky, Denise;
    • Thyne, Shannon M.;
    • Borrell, Luisa N.;
    • Williams, L. Keoki;
    • DuPont, William;
    • Seibold, Max A.;
    • Burchard, Esteban G.
    Publication type:
  • ORMDL3 gene is associated with asthma in three ethnically diverse populations.

    Published in:
    • Galanter J;
    • Choudhry S;
    • Eng C;
    • Nazario S;
    • Rodríguez-Santana JR;
    • Casal J;
    • Torres-Palacios A;
    • Salas J;
    • Chapela R;
    • Watson HG;
    • Meade K;
    • LeNoir M;
    • Rodríguez-Cintrón W;
    • Avila PC;
    • Burchard EG;
    • Galanter, Joshua;
    • Choudhry, Shweta;
    • Eng, Celeste;
    • Nazario, Sylvette;
    • Rodríguez-Santana, José R
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • CD14 Tobacco Gene-Environment Interaction Modifies Asthma Severity and Immunoglobulin E Levels in Latinos with Asthma.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2005, v. 172, n. 2, p. 173, doi. 10.1164/rccm.200409-1232OC
    • Choudhry, Shweta;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Nazario, Sylvette;
    • Ung, Ngim;
    • Kho, Jennifer;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Casal, Jesus;
    • Hui-Ju Tsai;
    • Torres, Alfonso;
    • Ziv, Elad;
    • Toscano, Monica;
    • Sylvia, Jody Senter;
    • Alioto, MariaElena;
    • Salazar, Michael;
    • Gomez, Ivan;
    • Fagan, Joanne K.;
    • Salas, Jorge;
    • Lilly, Craig;
    • Matallana, Henry;
    • Castro, Richard A.
    Publication type:
  • CD14-Tobacco Gene-Environment Interaction Modify Asthma Severity and IgE Levels in Latino Asthmatics.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2005, v. 172, n. 2, p. 189, doi. 10.1164/rccm.200409-1232oc
    • Choudhry, Shweta;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Nazario, Sylvette;
    • Ung, Ngim;
    • Kho, Jennifer;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Casal, Jesus;
    • Hui-Ju Tsai;
    • Torres, Alfonso;
    • Ziv, Elad;
    • Toscano, Monica;
    • Sylvia, Jody Senter;
    • Alioto, MariaElena;
    • Salazar, Michael;
    • Gomez, Ivan;
    • Fagan, Joanne K.;
    • Salas, Jorge;
    • Lilly, Craig;
    • Matallana, Henry;
    • Castro, Richard A.
    Publication type:
  • Pharmacogenetic Differences in Response to Albuterol between Puerto Ricans and Mexicans with Asthma.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2005, v. 171, n. 6, p. 563, doi. 10.1164/rccm.200409-1286OC
    • Choudhry, Shweta;
    • Ung, Ngim;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Ziv, Elad;
    • Nazario, Sylvette;
    • Casal, Jesus;
    • Torres, Alfonso;
    • Gorman, Jennifer D.;
    • Salari, Keyan;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Toscano, Monica;
    • Sylvia, Jody Senter;
    • Alioto, MariaElena;
    • Castro, Richard A.;
    • Salazar, Michael;
    • Gomez, Ivan;
    • Fagan, Joanne K.;
    • Salas, Jorge;
    • Clark, Suzanne;
    • Lilly, Craig
    Publication type:
  • Pharmacogenetic Differences in Response to Albuterol between Puerto Rican and Mexican Asthmatics.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2005, v. 171, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1164/rccm.200409-1286oc
    • Choudhry, Shweta;
    • Ngim Ung;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Ziv, Elad;
    • Nazario, Sylvette;
    • Casal, Jesus;
    • Torres, Alfonso;
    • Gorman, Jennifer D.;
    • Salari, Keyan;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Toscano, Monica;
    • Sylvia, Jody Senter;
    • Alioto, Maria Elena;
    • Castro, Richard A.;
    • Salazar, Michael;
    • Gomez, Ivan;
    • Fagan, Joanne K.;
    • Salas, Jorge;
    • Clark, Suzanne;
    • Lilly, Craig
    Publication type:
  • Lower Bronchodilator Responsiveness in Puerto Rican than in Mexican Subjects with Asthma.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2004, v. 169, n. 3, p. 386, doi. 10.1164/rccm.200309-1293OC
    • Burchard, Esteban González;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Nazario, Sylvette;
    • Casal, Jesus;
    • Torres, Alfonso;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Toscano, Monica;
    • Sylvia, Jody Senter;
    • Alioto, MariaElena;
    • Salazar, Michael;
    • Gomez, Ivan;
    • Fagan, Joanne K.;
    • Salas, Jorge;
    • Lilly, Craig;
    • Matallana, Henry;
    • Ziv, Elad;
    • Castro, Richard;
    • Selman, Moises;
    • Chapela, Rocio;
    • Sheppard, Dean
    Publication type:
  • ADAM33 Is Not Associated with Asthma in Puerto Rican or Mexican Populations.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2003, v. 168, n. 11, p. 29, doi. 10.1164/rccm.200306-877oc
    • Lind, Denise L.;
    • Choudhry, Shweta;
    • Ngim Ung;
    • Ziv, Elad;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Salari, Keyan;
    • Ha, Connie;
    • Lovins, Elizabeth G.;
    • Coyle, Natasha E.;
    • Nazario, Sylvette;
    • Casal, Jesus;
    • Torres, Alfonso;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Matallana, Henry;
    • Lilly, Craig M.;
    • Salas, Jorge;
    • Selman, Moises;
    • Boushey, Homer A.;
    • Weiss, Scott T.;
    • Chapela, Rocio
    Publication type:
  • ADAM33 Is Not Associated with Asthma in Puerto Rican or Mexican Populations.

    Published in:
    American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, 2003, v. 168, n. 11, p. 1312, doi. 10.1164/rccm.200306-877OC
    • Lind, Denise L.;
    • Choudhry, Shweta;
    • Ngim Ung;
    • Ziv, Elad;
    • Avila, Pedro C.;
    • Salari, Keyan;
    • Ha, Connie;
    • Lovins, Elizabeth G.;
    • Coyle, Natasha E.;
    • Nazario, Sylvette;
    • Casal, Jesus;
    • Torres, Alfonso;
    • Rodriguez-Santana, Jose R.;
    • Matallanav, Henry;
    • Lilly, Craig M.;
    • Salas, Jorge;
    • Selman, Moises;
    • Boushey, Homer A.;
    • Weiss, Scott T.;
    • Chapela, Rocio
    Publication type: