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  • Patterns of water and heat flux across a biome gradient from tropical forest to savanna in Brazil.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences, 2009, v. 114, n. G1, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2007JG000640
    • da Rocha, Humberto R.;
    • Manzi, Antonio O.;
    • Cabral, Osvaldo M.;
    • Miller, Scott D.;
    • Goulden, Michael L.;
    • Saleska, Scott R.;
    • R.-Coupe, Natalia;
    • Wofsy, Steven C.;
    • Borma, Laura S.;
    • Artaxo, P.;
    • Vourlitis, George;
    • Nogueira, José S.;
    • Cardoso, Fernando L.;
    • Nobre, Antonio D.;
    • Kruijt, Bart;
    • Freitas, Helber C.;
    • von Randow, Celso;
    • Aguiar, Renata G.;
    • Maia, Jair F.
    Publication type: