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  • Violence and depressive symptoms during pregnancy: a primary care study in Brazil.

    Published in:
    Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2010, v. 45, n. 10, p. 983, doi. 10.1007/s00127-009-0145-y
    • Manzolli, Patricia;
    • Nunes, Maria Angélica Antunes;
    • Schmidt, Maria Inês;
    • Pinheiro, Andrea Poyastro;
    • Soares, Rafael Marques;
    • Giacomello, Andressa;
    • Drehmer, Michele;
    • Buss, Caroline;
    • Hoffmann, Juliana Feliciati;
    • Ozcariz, Silvia;
    • Melere, Cristiane;
    • Manenti, Carlo Nunes;
    • Camey, Suzi;
    • Ferri, Cleusa P.
    Publication type:
  • Temporal patterns of recovery across eating disorder subtypes.

    Published in:
    Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2008, v. 42, n. 2, p. 108, doi. 10.1080/00048670701787610
    • Von Holle, Ann;
    • Pinheiro, Andréa Poyastro;
    • Thornton, Laura M.;
    • Klump, Kelly L.;
    • Berrettini, Wade H.;
    • Brandt, Harry;
    • Crawford, Steven;
    • Crow, Scott;
    • Fichter, Manfred M.;
    • Halmi, Katherine A.;
    • Johnson, Craig;
    • Kaplan, Allan S.;
    • Keel, Pamela;
    • La Via, Maria;
    • Mitchell, James;
    • Strober, Michael;
    • Woodside, D. Blake;
    • Kaye, Walter H.;
    • Bulik, Cynthia M.
    Publication type:
  • AKT1 and neurocognition in schizophrenia.

    Published in:
    Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2007, v. 41, n. 2, p. 169, doi. 10.1080/00048670601109956
    • Pinheiro, Andrea Poyastro;
    • Keefe, Richard S.E.;
    • Skelly, Tara;
    • Olarte, Megan;
    • Leviel, Keren;
    • Lange, Leslie A.;
    • Lange, Ethan M.;
    • Stroup, T. Scott;
    • Lieberman, Jeffrey;
    • Sullivan, Patrick F.
    Publication type:
  • Symptom profile of major depressive disorder in women with eating disorders.

    Published in:
    Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2007, v. 41, n. 1, p. 24, doi. 10.1080/00048670601057718
    • Fernandez-Aranda, Fernando;
    • Pinheiro, Andrea Poyastro;
    • Tozzi, Federica;
    • La Via, Maria;
    • Thornton, Laura M.;
    • Plotnicov, Katherine H.;
    • Kaye, Walter H.;
    • Fichter, Manfred M.;
    • Halmi, Katherine A.;
    • Kaplan, Allan S.;
    • Woodside, D. Blake;
    • Klump, Kelly L.;
    • Strober, Michael;
    • Crow, Scott;
    • Mitchell, James;
    • Rotondo, Alessandro;
    • Keel, Pamela;
    • Berrettini, Wade H.;
    • Rickels, Karl E.;
    • Crawford, Steven F.
    Publication type:
  • Lifetime substance abuse, family history of alcohol abuse/dependence and novelty seeking in eating disorders: Comparison study of eating disorder subgroups.

    Published in:
    Psychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences, 2009, v. 63, n. 1, p. 82, doi. 10.1111/j.1440-1819.2008.01908.x
    • Krug, Isabel;
    • Pinheiro, Andrea Poyastro;
    • Bulik, Cynthia;
    • Jiménez‐Murcia, Susana;
    • Granero, Roser;
    • Penelo, Eva;
    • Masuet, Cristina;
    • Agüera, Zaida;
    • Fernández‐Aranda, Fernando
    Publication type:
  • Eating disorders symptoms in pregnancy and postpartum: A prospective study in a disadvantaged population in Brazil.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2014, v. 47, n. 4, p. 426, doi. 10.1002/eat.22236
    • Angélica Nunes, Maria;
    • Poyastro Pinheiro, Andréa;
    • Feliciati Hoffmann, Juliana;
    • Inês Schmidt, Maria
    Publication type:
  • Binge eating during pregnancy and birth outcomes: A cohort study in a disadvantaged population in Brazil.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2012, v. 45, n. 7, p. 827, doi. 10.1002/eat.22024
    • Nunes, Maria Angélica Antunes;
    • Pinheiro, Andrea Poyastro;
    • Camey, Suzi Alves;
    • Schmidt, Maria Ines
    Publication type:
  • Life beyond the eating disorder: Education, relationships, and reproduction.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2011, v. 44, n. 3, p. 225, doi. 10.1002/eat.20804
    • Maxwell, Millie;
    • Thornton, Laura M.;
    • Root, Tammy L.;
    • Pinheiro, Andrea Poyastro;
    • Strober, Michael;
    • Brandt, Harry;
    • Crawford, Steve;
    • Crow, Scott;
    • Fichter, Manfred M.;
    • Halmi, Katherine A.;
    • Johnson, Craig;
    • Kaplan, Allan S.;
    • Keel, Pamela;
    • Klump, Kelly L.;
    • LaVia, Maria;
    • Mitchell, James E.;
    • Plotnicov, Kathy;
    • Rotondo, Alessandro;
    • Woodside, D. Blake;
    • Berrettini, Wade H.
    Publication type:
  • Sexual functioning in women with eating disorders.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2010, v. 43, n. 2, p. 123, doi. 10.1002/eat.20671
    • Pinheiro, Andréa Poyastro;
    • Raney, T. J.;
    • Thornton, Laura M.;
    • Fichter, Manfred M.;
    • Berrettini, Wade H.;
    • Goldman, David;
    • Halmi, Katherine A.;
    • Kaplan, Allan S.;
    • Strober, Michael;
    • Treasure, Janet;
    • Woodside, D. Blake;
    • Kaye, Walter H.;
    • Bulik, Cynthia M.
    Publication type:
  • Substance use disorders in women with anorexia nervosa.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2010, v. 43, n. 1, p. 14, doi. 10.1002/eat.20670
    • Root, Tammy L.;
    • Pinheiro, Andréa Poyastro;
    • Thornton, Laura;
    • Strober, Michael;
    • Fernandez-Aranda, Fernando;
    • Brandt, Harry;
    • Crawford, Steve;
    • Fichter, Manfred M.;
    • Halmi, Katherine A.;
    • Johnson, Craig;
    • Kaplan, Allan S.;
    • Klump, Kelly L.;
    • La Via, Maria;
    • Mitchell, James;
    • Woodside, D. Blake;
    • Rotondo, Alessandro;
    • Berrettini, Wade H.;
    • Kaye, Walter H.;
    • Bulik, Cynthia M.
    Publication type:
  • Inappropriate eating behaviors during pregnancy: Prevalence and associated factors among pregnant women attending primary care in southern Brazil.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2009, v. 42, n. 5, p. 387, doi. 10.1002/eat.20643
    • Soares, Rafael Marques;
    • Nunes, Maria Angélica;
    • Schmidt, Maria Inês;
    • Giacomello, Andressa;
    • Manzolli, Patrícia;
    • Camey, Suzi;
    • Buss, Caroline;
    • Drehmer, Michele;
    • Melere, Cristiane;
    • Hoffman, Juliana;
    • Ozcariz, Silvia;
    • Manenti, Carlo Nunes;
    • Pinheiro, Andréa Poyastro;
    • Duncan, Bruce Bartholow
    Publication type:
  • An empirical study of the typology of bulimic symptoms in young Portuguese women.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2008, v. 41, n. 3, p. 251, doi. 10.1002/eat.20497
    • Pinheiro, Andrea Poyastro;
    • Bulik, Cynthia M.;
    • Sullivan, Patrick F.;
    • Machado, Paulo P. P.
    Publication type:
  • Patterns of menstrual disturbance in eating disorders.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2007, v. 40, n. 5, p. 424, doi. 10.1002/eat.20388
    • Pinheiro, Andréa Poyastro;
    • Thornton, Laura M.;
    • Plotonicov, Katherine H.;
    • Tozzi, Federica;
    • Klump, Kelly L.;
    • Berrettini, Wade H.;
    • Brandt, Harry;
    • Crawford, Steven;
    • Crow, Scott;
    • Fichter, Manfred M.;
    • Goldman, David;
    • Halmi, Katherine A.;
    • Johnson, Craig;
    • Kaplan, Allan S.;
    • Keel, Pamela;
    • LaVia, Maria;
    • Mitchell, James;
    • Rotondo, Alessandro;
    • Strober, Michael;
    • Treasure, Janet
    Publication type:
  • Association of Candidate Genes with Phenotypic Traits Relevant to Anorexia Nervosa.

    Published in:
    European Eating Disorders Review, 2011, v. 19, n. 6, p. 487, doi. 10.1002/erv.1138
    • Root, Tammy L.;
    • Szatkiewicz, Jin P.;
    • Jonassaint, Charles R.;
    • Thornton, Laura M.;
    • Pinheiro, Andrea Poyastro;
    • Strober, Michael;
    • Bloss, Cinnamon;
    • Berrettini, Wade;
    • Schork, Nicholas J.;
    • Kaye, Walter H.;
    • Bergen, Andrew W.;
    • Magistretti, Pierre;
    • Brandt, Harry;
    • Crawford, Steve;
    • Crow, Scott;
    • Fichter, Manfred M.;
    • Goldman, David;
    • Halmi, Katherine A.;
    • Johnson, Craig;
    • Kaplan, Allan S.
    Publication type: