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  • Enterococcal bloodstream infection. Design and validation of a mortality prediction rule.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Clinical Practice (Supplement), 2016, v. 70, n. 2, p. 147, doi. 10.1111/ijcp.12754
    • Pèrez-Garcıa, A.;
    • Landecho, M. F.;
    • Beunza, J. J.;
    • Conde-Est#332;vez, D.;
    • Horcajada, J. P.;
    • Grau, S.;
    • Gea, A.;
    • Mauleón, E.;
    • Sorli, L.;
    • Gómez, J.;
    • Terradas, R.;
    • Lucena, J. F.;
    • Alegre, F.;
    • Huerta, A.;
    • Del Pozo, J. L.
    Publication type: