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  • Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) in oncology: recommendations and key uses.

    Published in:
    La Radiologia Medica, 2019, v. 124, n. 3, p. 218, doi. 10.1007/s11547-018-0955-7
    • Petralia, Giuseppe;
    • Padhani, Anwar R.;
    • Pricolo, Paola;
    • Zugni, Fabio;
    • Martinetti, Marco;
    • Summers, Paul E.;
    • Grazioli, Luigi;
    • Colagrande, Stefano;
    • Giovagnoni, Andrea;
    • Bellomi, Massimo;
    • On behalf of the Italian Working Group on Magnetic Resonance
    Publication type: