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  • Mutations in the polyglutamine binding protein 1 gene cause X-linked mental retardation.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2003, v. 35, n. 4, p. 313, doi. 10.1038/ng1264
    • Freude, Kristine;
    • Sefiani, Abdelaziz;
    • Hoffmann, Kirsten;
    • Moser, Bettina;
    • Haas, Stefan;
    • Gurok, Ulf;
    • Haesler, Sebastian;
    • Aranda, Beatriz;
    • Nshedjan, Arpik;
    • Tzschach, Andreas;
    • Hartmann, Nils;
    • Roloff, Tim-Christoph;
    • Shoichet, Sarah;
    • Hagens, Olivier;
    • Jiong Tao, Olivier;
    • Turner, Gillian;
    • Chelly, Jamel;
    • Moraine, Claude;
    • Fryns, Jean-Pierre;
    • Kalscheuer, Vera M.
    Publication type: