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  • Risk assessment and reduction options for Ceratocystis platani in the EU.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2016, v. 14, n. 12, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2016.4640
    • Jeger, Michael;
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Chatzivassiliou, Elisavet;
    • Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Gilioli, Gianni;
    • Miret, Josep Anton Jaques;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Navarro, Maria Navajas;
    • Niere, Bj€orn;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Rafoss, Trond;
    • Urek, Gregor;
    • Bruggen, Ariena Van;
    • der Werf, Wopke Van;
    • West, Jonathan;
    • Winter, Stephan;
    • Santini, Alberto;
    • Tsopelas, Panagiotis;
    • Vloutoglou, Irene
    Publication type: