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  • Modeling climate change effects on the potential production of French plains forests at the sub-regional level.

    Published in:
    Tree Physiology, 2005, v. 25, n. 7, p. 813, doi. 10.1093/treephys/25.7.813
    • Denis DL Loustau;
    • Alexandre AB Bosc;
    • Antoine AC Colin;
    • Jérôme JO Ogée;
    • Hendrik HD Davi;
    • Christophe CF François;
    • Eric ED Dufrêne;
    • Michel MD Déqué;
    • Emmanuel EC Cloppet;
    • Dominique DA Arrouays;
    • Christine CL Le Bas;
    • Nicolas NS Saby;
    • Gérôme GP Pignard;
    • Nabila NH Hamza;
    • André AG Granier;
    • Nathalie NB Bréda;
    • Philippe PC Ciais;
    • Nicolas NV Viovy;
    • François FD Delage
    Publication type: