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  • Carbon sequestration potential of rice-based cropping systems under different tillage practices.

    Published in:
    Agrochimica: International Journal of Plant Chemistry, Soil Science & Plant Nutrition of the University of Pisa, 2021, v. 65, n. 3, p. 229, doi. 10.12871/00021857202132
    • Rao, Karnena K.;
    • Samal, Saubhagya K.;
    • Kumar, Manoj;
    • Naik, Sushanta K.;
    • Bhatt, Bhagwati P.;
    • Prakash, Ved;
    • Mondal, Surajit;
    • Choubey, Anup K.;
    • Dalal, Ram C.;
    • Mishra, Janki S.;
    • Kumar, Ujjwal
    Publication type: