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  • Flow Cytometry-Based Characterization of Mast Cells in Human Atherosclerosis.

    Published in:
    Cells (2073-4409), 2019, v. 8, n. 4, p. 334, doi. 10.3390/cells8040334
    • Kritikou, Eva;
    • Depuydt, Marie A.C.;
    • de Vries, Margreet R.;
    • Mulder, Kevin E.;
    • Govaert, Arthur M.;
    • Smit, Marrit D.;
    • van Duijn, Janine;
    • Foks, Amanda C.;
    • Wezel, Anouk;
    • Smeets, Harm J.;
    • Slütter, Bram;
    • Quax, Paul H.A.;
    • Kuiper, Johan;
    • Bot, Ilze
    Publication type: