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  • The Physarum polycephalum Genome Reveals Extensive Use of Prokaryotic Two-Component and Metazoan-Type Tyrosine Kinase Signaling.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology & Evolution, 2016, v. 8, n. 1, p. 109, doi. 10.1093/gbe/evv237
    • Schaap, Pauline;
    • Barrantes, Israel;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Sasaki, Narie;
    • Anderson, Roger W.;
    • Bénard, Marianne;
    • Biggar, Kyle K.;
    • Buchler, Nicolas E.;
    • Bundschuh, Ralf;
    • Xiao Chen;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • Fulton, Lucinda;
    • Golderer, Georg;
    • Jahn, Niels;
    • Knoop, Volker;
    • Landweber, Laura F.;
    • Maric, Chrystelle;
    • Miller, Dennis;
    • Noegel, Angelika A.;
    • Peace, Rob
    Publication type:
  • Comparative and demographic analysis of orang-utan genomes.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2011, v. 469, n. 7331, p. 529, doi. 10.1038/nature09687
    • Locke, Devin P.;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Warren, Wesley C.;
    • Worley, Kim C.;
    • Nazareth, Lynne V.;
    • Muzny, Donna M.;
    • Shiaw-Pyng Yang;
    • Zhengyuan Wang;
    • Chinwalla, Asif T.;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Mitreva, Makedonka;
    • Cook, Lisa;
    • Delehaunty, Kim D.;
    • Fronick, Catrina;
    • Schmidt, Heather;
    • Fulton, Lucinda A.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Nelson, Joanne O.;
    • Magrini, Vincent;
    • Pohl, Craig
    Publication type:
  • The genome of a songbird.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2010, v. 464, n. 7289, p. 757, doi. 10.1038/nature08819
    • Warren, Wesley C.;
    • Clayton, David F.;
    • Ellegren, Hans;
    • Arnold, Arthur P.;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Künstner, Axel;
    • Searle, Steve;
    • White, Simon;
    • Vilella, Albert J.;
    • Fairley, Susan;
    • Heger, Andreas;
    • Kong, Lesheng;
    • Ponting, Chris P.;
    • Jarvis, Erich D.;
    • Mello, Claudio V.;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Lovell, Peter;
    • Velho, Tarciso A. F.;
    • Ferris, Margaret;
    • Balakrishnan, Christopher N.
    Publication type:
  • A High-Resolution SNP Array-Based Linkage Map Anchors a New Domestic Cat Draft Genome Assembly and Provides Detailed Patterns of Recombination.

    Published in:
    G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics, 2016, v. 6, n. 6, p. 1607, doi. 10.1534/g3.116.028746
    • Gang Li;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Grahn, Robert A.;
    • Zimin, Aleksey V.;
    • David, Victor A.;
    • Menotti-Raymond, Marilyn;
    • Middleton, Rondo;
    • Hannah, Steven;
    • Hendrickson, Sher;
    • Makunin, Alex;
    • O' Brien, Stephen J.;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Lyons, Leslie A.;
    • Warren, Wesley C.;
    • Murphy, William J.
    Publication type:
  • The genome of the platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus, provides insights into evolutionary adaptation and several complex traits.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2013, v. 45, n. 5, p. 567, doi. 10.1038/ng.2604
    • Schartl, Manfred;
    • Walter, Ronald B;
    • Shen, Yingjia;
    • Garcia, Tzintzuni;
    • Catchen, Julian;
    • Amores, Angel;
    • Braasch, Ingo;
    • Chalopin, Domitille;
    • Volff, Jean-Nicolas;
    • Lesch, Klaus-Peter;
    • Bisazza, Angelo;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Hillier, LaDeana;
    • Wilson, Richard K;
    • Fuerstenberg, Susan;
    • Boore, Jeffrey;
    • Searle, Steve;
    • Postlethwait, John H;
    • Warren, Wesley C
    Publication type:
  • The draft genome of the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2011, v. 43, n. 3, p. 228, doi. 10.1038/ng.769
    • Mitreva, Makedonka;
    • Jasmer, Douglas P.;
    • Zarlenga, Dante S.;
    • Zhengyuan Wang;
    • Abubucker, Sahar;
    • Martin, John;
    • Taylor, Christina M.;
    • Yong Yin;
    • Fulton, Lucinda;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Shiaw-Pyng Yang;
    • Warren, Wesley C.;
    • Fulton, Robert S.;
    • Bhonagiri, Veena;
    • Xu Zhang;
    • Hallsworth-Pepin, Kym;
    • Clifton, Sandra W.;
    • McCarter, James P.;
    • Appleton, Judith;
    • Mardis, Elaine R.
    Publication type:
  • The Pristionchus pacificus genome provides a unique perspective on nematode lifestyle and parasitism.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2008, v. 40, n. 10, p. 1193, doi. 10.1038/ng.227
    • Dieterich, Christoph;
    • Clifton, Sandra W.;
    • Schuster, Lisa N.;
    • Chinwalla, Asif;
    • Delehaunty, Kimberly;
    • Dinkelacker, Iris;
    • Fulton, Lucinda;
    • Fulton, Robert;
    • Godfrey, Jennifer;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Mitreva, Makedonka;
    • Roeseler, Waltraud;
    • Huiyu Tian;
    • Hanh Witte;
    • Shiaw-Pyng Yang;
    • Wilson, Richard K.;
    • Sommer, Ralf J.
    Publication type:
  • A second unveiling: Haplotig masking of the eastern oyster genome improves population‐level inference.

    Published in:
    Molecular Ecology Resources, 2024, v. 24, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1111/1755-0998.13801
    • Puritz, Jonathan B.;
    • Guo, Ximing;
    • Hare, Matthew;
    • He, Yan;
    • Hillier, LaDeana W.;
    • Jin, Shubo;
    • Liu, Ming;
    • Lotterhos, Katie E.;
    • Minx, Pat;
    • Modak, Tejashree;
    • Proestou, Dina;
    • Rice, Edward S.;
    • Tomlinson, Chad;
    • Warren, Wesley C.;
    • Witkop, Erin;
    • Zhao, Honggang;
    • Gomez‐Chiarri, Marta
    Publication type: