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  • Cross‐sectional study on exhaled nitric oxide in relation to upper airway inflammatory disorders with regard to asthma and perennial sensitization.

    Published in:
    Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2022, v. 52, n. 2, p. 297, doi. 10.1111/cea.14019
    • Krantz, Christina;
    • Accordini, Simone;
    • Alving, Kjell;
    • Corsico, Angelo G.;
    • Demoly, Pascal;
    • Ferreira, Diogenes S.;
    • Forsberg, Bertil;
    • Garcia‐Aymerich, Judith;
    • Gislason, Thorarinn;
    • Heinrich, Joachim;
    • Jõgi, Rain;
    • Johannessen, Ane;
    • Leynaert, Bénédicte;
    • Marcon, Alessandro;
    • Martínez‐Moratalla Rovira, Jesús;
    • Nerpin, Elisabet;
    • Nowak, Dennis;
    • Olin, Anna‐Carin;
    • Olivieri, Mario;
    • Pereira‐Vega, Antonio
    Publication type:
  • Describing the status of reproductive ageing simply and precisely: A reproductive ageing score based on three questions and validated with hormone levels.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2020, v. 15, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0235478
    • Triebner, Kai;
    • Johannessen, Ane;
    • Svanes, Cecilie;
    • Leynaert, Bénédicte;
    • Benediktsdóttir, Bryndís;
    • Demoly, Pascal;
    • Dharmage, Shyamali C.;
    • Franklin, Karl A.;
    • Heinrich, Joachim;
    • Holm, Mathias;
    • Jarvis, Deborah;
    • Lindberg, Eva;
    • Rovira, Jesús Martínez Moratalla;
    • Muniozguren Agirre, Nerea;
    • Sánchez-Ramos, José Luis;
    • Schlünssen, Vivi;
    • Skulstad, Svein Magne;
    • Hustad, Steinar;
    • Rodriguez, Francisco J.;
    • Gómez Real, Francisco
    Publication type:
  • Menopause Is Associated with Accelerated Lung Function Decline.

    Published in:
    • Triebner, Kai;
    • Matulonga, Bobette;
    • Johannessen, Ane;
    • Suske, Sandra;
    • Benediktsdóttir, Bryndís;
    • Demoly, Pascal;
    • Dharmage, Shyamali C.;
    • Franklin, Karl A.;
    • Garcia-Aymerich, Judith;
    • Blanco, José Antonio Gullón;
    • Heinrich, Joachim;
    • Holm, Mathias;
    • Jarvis, Debbie;
    • Jõgi, Rain;
    • Lindberg, Eva;
    • Rovira, Jesús Martínez Moratalla;
    • Agirre, Nerea Muniozguren;
    • Pin, Isabelle;
    • Probst-Hensch, Nicole;
    • Puggini, Luca
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Effects of smoking bans on passive smoking exposure at work and at home. The European Community respiratory health survey.

    Published in:
    Indoor Air, 2019, v. 29, n. 4, p. 670, doi. 10.1111/ina.12556
    • Olivieri, Mario;
    • Murgia, Nicola;
    • Carsin, Anne‐Elie;
    • Heinrich, Joachim;
    • Benke, Geza;
    • Bono, Roberto;
    • Corsico, Angelo Guido;
    • Demoly, Pascal;
    • Forsberg, Bertil;
    • Gislason, Thorarinn;
    • Janson, Christer;
    • Jõgi, Rain;
    • Leynaert, Bénédicte;
    • Martínez‐Moratalla Rovira, Jesús;
    • Norbäck, Dan;
    • Nowak, Dennis;
    • Pascual, Silvia;
    • Pin, Isabelle;
    • Probst‐Hensch, Nicole;
    • Raherison, Chantal
    Publication type: