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  • Autophagy is essential for mouse sense of balance.

    Published in:
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Fernández, Alvaro F.;
    • Cabrera, Sandra;
    • Lundberg, Yunxia W.;
    • Cabanillas, Rubén;
    • Rodríguez, Francisco;
    • Salvador-Montoliu, Natalia;
    • Vega, José A.;
    • Germanà, Antonino;
    • Fueyo, Antonio;
    • Freije, José M. P.;
    • López-Otín, Carlos;
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Fernández, Alvaro F;
    • Cabanillas, Rubén;
    • Rodríguez, Francisco;
    • Vega, José A;
    • Germanà, Antonino;
    • Freije, José M P;
    • López-Otín, Carlos
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Serum and Urinary Soluble α-Klotho as Markers of Kidney and Vascular Impairment.

    Published in:
    Nutrients, 2023, v. 15, n. 6, p. 1470, doi. 10.3390/nu15061470
    • Martín-Vírgala, Julia;
    • Fernández-Villabrille, Sara;
    • Martín-Carro, Beatriz;
    • Tamargo-Gómez, Isaac;
    • Navarro-González, Juan F.;
    • Mora-Fernández, Carmen;
    • Calleros, Laura;
    • Astudillo-Cortés, Elena;
    • Avello-Llano, Noelia;
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Dusso, Adriana S.;
    • Alonso-Montes, Cristina;
    • Panizo, Sara;
    • Cannata-Andía, Jorge B.;
    • Naves-Díaz, Manuel;
    • Carrillo-López, Natalia
    Publication type:
  • Premature aging in mice activates a systemic metabolic response involving autophagy induction.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2008, v. 17, n. 14, p. 2196
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Ugalde, Alejandro P.;
    • Salvador-Montoliu, Natalia;
    • Varela, Ignacio;
    • Quirós, Pedro M.;
    • Cadiñanos, Juan;
    • van der Pluijm, Ingrid;
    • Freije, José M.P.;
    • López-Otín, Carlos
    Publication type:
  • Pathogenic Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Autophagy-Related Genes.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, v. 21, n. 21, p. 8196, doi. 10.3390/ijms21218196
    • Tamargo-Gómez, Isaac;
    • Fernández, Álvaro F.;
    • Mariño, Guillermo
    Publication type:
  • AMPK: Regulation of Metabolic Dynamics in the Context of Autophagy.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, v. 19, n. 12, p. 3812, doi. 10.3390/ijms19123812
    • Tamargo-Gómez, Isaac;
    • Mariño, Guillermo
    Publication type:
  • Lifespan Extension by Methionine Restriction Requires Autophagy-Dependent Vacuolar Acidification.

    Published in:
    PLoS Genetics, 2014, v. 10, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004347
    • Ruckenstuhl, Christoph;
    • Netzberger, Christine;
    • Entfellner, Iryna;
    • Carmona-Gutierrez, Didac;
    • Kickenweiz, Thomas;
    • Stekovic, Slaven;
    • Gleixner, Christina;
    • Schmid, Christian;
    • Klug, Lisa;
    • Sorgo, Alice G.;
    • Eisenberg, Tobias;
    • Büttner, Sabrina;
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Koziel, Rafal;
    • Jansen-Dürr, Pidder;
    • Fröhlich, Kai-Uwe;
    • Kroemer, Guido;
    • Madeo, Frank
    Publication type:
  • Ammonia: A Diffusible Factor Released by Proliferating Cells That Induces Autophagy.

    Published in:
    Science Signaling, 2010, v. 3, n. 124, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scisignal.3124pe19
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Kroemer, Guido
    Publication type:
  • Self-consumption: the interplay of autophagy and apoptosis.

    Published in:
    Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 2014, v. 15, n. 2, p. 81, doi. 10.1038/nrm3735
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Niso-Santano, Mireia;
    • Baehrecke, Eric H.;
    • Kroemer, Guido
    Publication type:
  • Selective killing of p53-deficient cancer cells by SP600125.

    Published in:
    EMBO Molecular Medicine, 2012, v. 4, n. 6, p. 500, doi. 10.1002/emmm.201200228
    • Jemaà, Mohamed;
    • Vitale, Ilio;
    • Kepp, Oliver;
    • Berardinelli, Francesco;
    • Galluzzi, Lorenzo;
    • Senovilla, Laura;
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Malik, Shoaib Ahmad;
    • Rello-Varona, Santiago;
    • Lissa, Delphine;
    • Antoccia, Antonio;
    • Tailler, Maximilien;
    • Schlemmer, Frederic;
    • Harper, Francis;
    • Pierron, Gérard;
    • Castedo, Maria;
    • Kroemer, Guido
    Publication type:
  • Inhibition of autophagy by TAB2 and TAB3.

    Published in:
    EMBO Journal, 2011, v. 30, n. 24, p. 4908, doi. 10.1038/emboj.2011.413
    • Criollo, Alfredo;
    • Niso-Santano, Mireia;
    • Malik, Shoaib Ahmad;
    • Michaud, Mickael;
    • Morselli, Eugenia;
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Lachkar, Sylvie;
    • Arkhipenko, Alexander V;
    • Harper, Francis;
    • Pierron, Gérard;
    • Rain, Jean-Christophe;
    • Ninomiya-Tsuji, Jun;
    • Fuentes, José M;
    • Lavandero, Sergio;
    • Galluzzi, Lorenzo;
    • Maiuri, Maria Chiara;
    • Kroemer, Guido
    Publication type:
  • Aging and chronic DNA damage response activate a regulatory pathway involving miR-29 and p53.

    Published in:
    EMBO Journal, 2011, v. 30, n. 11, p. 2219, doi. 10.1038/emboj.2011.124
    • Ugalde, Alejandro P;
    • Ramsay, Andrew J;
    • de la Rosa, Jorge;
    • Varela, Ignacio;
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Cadiñanos, Juan;
    • Lu, Jun;
    • Freije, José MP;
    • López-Otín, Carlos
    Publication type:
  • Autophagy Deficiency by Atg4B Loss Leads to Metabolomic Alterations in Mice.

    Published in:
    Metabolites (2218-1989), 2021, v. 11, n. 8, p. 481, doi. 10.3390/metabo11080481
    • Martínez-García, Gemma G.;
    • Pérez, Raúl F.;
    • Fernández, Álvaro F.;
    • Durand, Sylvere;
    • Kroemer, Guido;
    • Mariño, Guillermo
    Publication type:
  • Mechanisms of apoptotic phosphatidylserine exposure.

    Published in:
    Cell Research, 2013, v. 23, n. 11, p. 1247, doi. 10.1038/cr.2013.115
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Kroemer, Guido
    Publication type:
  • Autophagy‐linked plasma and lysosomal membrane protein PLAC8 is a key host factor for SARS‐CoV‐2 entry into human cells.

    Published in:
    EMBO Journal, 2022, v. 41, n. 21, p. 1, doi. 10.15252/embj.2022110727
    • Ugalde, Alejandro P;
    • Bretones, Gabriel;
    • Rodríguez, David;
    • Quesada, Víctor;
    • Llorente, Francisco;
    • Fernández‐Delgado, Raúl;
    • Jiménez‐Clavero, Miguel Ángel;
    • Vázquez, Jesús;
    • Calvo, Enrique;
    • Tamargo‐Gómez, Isaac;
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Roiz‐Valle, David;
    • Maeso, Daniel;
    • Araujo‐Voces, Miguel;
    • Español, Yaiza;
    • Barceló, Carles;
    • Freije, José MP;
    • López‐Soto, Alejandro;
    • López‐Otín, Carlos
    Publication type:
  • Programmed mitophagy is essential for the glycolytic switch during cell differentiation.

    Published in:
    EMBO Journal, 2017, v. 36, n. 12, p. 1688, doi. 10.15252/embj.201695916
    • Esteban‐Martínez, Lorena;
    • Sierra‐Filardi, Elena;
    • McGreal, Rebecca S;
    • Salazar‐Roa, María;
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Seco, Esther;
    • Durand, Sylvère;
    • Enot, David;
    • Graña, Osvaldo;
    • Malumbres, Marcos;
    • Cvekl, Ales;
    • Cuervo, Ana María;
    • Kroemer, Guido;
    • Boya, Patricia
    Publication type:
  • Unsaturated fatty acids induce non-canonical autophagy.

    Published in:
    EMBO Journal, 2015, v. 34, n. 8, p. 1025, doi. 10.15252/embj.201489363
    • Niso‐Santano, Mireia;
    • Malik, Shoaib Ahmad;
    • Pietrocola, Federico;
    • Bravo‐San Pedro, José Manuel;
    • Mariño, Guillermo;
    • Cianfanelli, Valentina;
    • Ben‐Younès, Amena;
    • Troncoso, Rodrigo;
    • Markaki, Maria;
    • Sica, Valentina;
    • Izzo, Valentina;
    • Chaba, Kariman;
    • Bauvy, Chantal;
    • Dupont, Nicolas;
    • Kepp, Oliver;
    • Rockenfeller, Patrick;
    • Wolinski, Heimo;
    • Madeo, Frank;
    • Lavandero, Sergio;
    • Codogno, Patrice
    Publication type: