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  • Widespread brain distribution and activity following i.c.v. infusion of anti-β-secretase (BACE1) in nonhuman primates.

    Published in:
    • Yadav, Daniela Bumbaca;
    • Maloney, Janice A;
    • Wildsmith, Kristin R;
    • Fuji, Reina N;
    • Meilandt, William J;
    • Solanoy, Hilda;
    • Lu, Yanmei;
    • Peng, Kun;
    • Wilson, Blair;
    • Chan, Pamela;
    • Gadkar, Kapil;
    • Kosky, Andrew;
    • Goo, Marisa;
    • Daugherty, Ann;
    • Couch, Jessica A;
    • Keene, Thomas;
    • Hayes, Karen;
    • Nikolas, Lisa Jungbauer;
    • Lane, Deanna;
    • Switzer, Robert
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Spatially Coordinated Kinase Signaling Regulates Local Axon Degeneration.

    Published in:
    Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, v. 32, n. 39, p. 13439, doi. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2039-12.2012
    • Chen, Mark;
    • Maloney, Janice A.;
    • Kallop, Dara Y.;
    • Atwal, Jasvinder K.;
    • Tam, Stephen J.;
    • Baer, Kristin;
    • Kissel, Holger;
    • Kaminker, Joshua S.;
    • Lewcock, Joseph W.;
    • Weimer, Robby M.;
    • Watts, Ryan J.
    Publication type:
  • An Effector-Reduced Anti-&bgr;-Amyloid (A&bgr;) Antibody with Unique A&bgr; Binding Properties Promotes Neuroprotection and Glial Engulfment of A&bgr;.

    Published in:
    Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, v. 32, n. 28, p. 9677, doi. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4742-11.2012
    • Adolfsson, Oskar;
    • Pihlgren, Maria;
    • Toni, Nicolas;
    • Varisco, Yvan;
    • Buccarello, Anna Lucia;
    • Antoniello, Katia;
    • Lohmann, Sophie;
    • Piorkowska, Kasia;
    • Gafner, Valerie;
    • Atwal, Jasvinder K.;
    • Maloney, Janice;
    • Chen, Mark;
    • Gogineni, Alvin;
    • Weimer, Robby M.;
    • Mortensen, Deborah L.;
    • Friesenhahn, Michel;
    • Ho, Carole;
    • Paul, Robert;
    • Pfeifer, Andrea;
    • Muhs, Andreas
    Publication type:
  • Loss of dual leucine zipper kinase signaling is protective in animal models of neurodegenerative disease.

    Published in:
    Science Translational Medicine, 2017, v. 9, n. 403, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scitranslmed.aag0394
    • Le Pichon, Claire E.;
    • Meilandt, William J.;
    • Dominguez, Sara;
    • Solanoy, Hilda;
    • Han Lin;
    • Hai Ngu;
    • Gogineni, Alvin;
    • Ghosh, Arundhati Sengupta;
    • Zhiyu Jiang;
    • Seung-Hye Lee;
    • Maloney, Janice;
    • Gandham, Vineela D.;
    • Pozniak, Christine D.;
    • Bei Wang;
    • Sebum Lee;
    • Michael Siu;
    • Patel, Snahel;
    • Modrusan, Zora;
    • Xingrong Liu;
    • Rudhard, York
    Publication type:
  • A mutation in APP protects against Alzheimer's disease and age-related cognitive decline.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 488, n. 7409, p. 96, doi. 10.1038/nature11283
    • Jonsson, Thorlakur;
    • Atwal, Jasvinder K.;
    • Steinberg, Stacy;
    • Snaedal, Jon;
    • Jonsson, Palmi V.;
    • Bjornsson, Sigurbjorn;
    • Stefansson, Hreinn;
    • Sulem, Patrick;
    • Gudbjartsson, Daniel;
    • Maloney, Janice;
    • Hoyte, Kwame;
    • Gustafson, Amy;
    • Liu, Yichin;
    • Lu, Yanmei;
    • Bhangale, Tushar;
    • Graham, Robert R.;
    • Huttenlocher, Johanna;
    • Bjornsdottir, Gyda;
    • Andreassen, Ole A.;
    • Jönsson, Erik G.
    Publication type:
  • BACE1 across species: a comparison of the in vivo consequences of BACE1 deletion in mice and rats.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2017, p. 44249, doi. 10.1038/srep44249
    • Weber, Martin;
    • Wu, Tiffany;
    • Meilandt, William J.;
    • Dominguez, Sara L.;
    • Solanoy, Hilda O.;
    • Maloney, Janice A.;
    • Ngu, Hai;
    • Baca, Miriam;
    • Kung, Chung;
    • Lima, Lisa;
    • Earr, Timothy K.;
    • Fleck, Daniel;
    • Shields, Shannon D.;
    • Forrest, William F.;
    • Foreman, Oded;
    • Warming, Søren;
    • Watts, Ryan J.;
    • Scearce-Levie, Kimberly
    Publication type:
  • Therapeutic bispecific antibodies cross the blood-brain barrier in nonhuman primates.

    Published in:
    Science Translational Medicine, 2014, v. 6, n. 261, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scitranslmed.3009835
    • Yu, Y. Joy;
    • Atwal, Jasvinder K.;
    • Yin Zhang;
    • Tong, Raymond K.;
    • Wildsmith, Kristin R.;
    • Tan, Christine;
    • Bien-Ly, Nga;
    • Hersom, Maria;
    • Maloney, Janice A.;
    • Meilandt, William J.;
    • Bumbaca, Daniela;
    • Gadkar, Kapil;
    • Hoyte, Kwame;
    • Luk, Wilman;
    • Yanmei Lu;
    • Ernst, James A.;
    • Scearce-Levie, Kimberly;
    • Couch, Jessica A.;
    • Dennis, Mark S.;
    • Watts, Ryan J.
    Publication type:
  • Structural studies of neuropilin/antibody complexes provide insights into semaphorin and VEGF binding.

    Published in:
    EMBO Journal, 2007, v. 26, n. 23, p. 4902, doi. 10.1038/sj.emboj.7601906
    • Appleton, Brent A.;
    • Ping Wu;
    • Maloney, Janice;
    • JianPing Yin;
    • Wei-Ching Liang;
    • Stawicki, Scott;
    • Mortara, Kyle;
    • Bowman, Krista K.;
    • Elliott, J. Michael;
    • Desmarais, William;
    • Bazan, J. Fernando;
    • Bagri, Anil;
    • Tessier-Lavigne, Marc;
    • Koch, Alexander W.;
    • Yan Wu;
    • Watts, Ryan J.;
    • Wiesmann, Christian
    Publication type:
  • A rare mutation in UNC5C predisposes to late-onset Alzheimer's disease and increases neuronal cell death.

    Published in:
    Nature Medicine, 2014, v. 20, n. 12, p. 1452, doi. 10.1038/nm.3736
    • Wetzel-Smith, Monica K;
    • Hunkapiller, Julie;
    • Bhangale, Tushar R;
    • Srinivasan, Karpagam;
    • Maloney, Janice A;
    • Atwal, Jasvinder K;
    • Sa, Susan M;
    • B Yaylaoglu, Murat;
    • Foreman, Oded;
    • Ortmann, Ward;
    • Rathore, Nisha;
    • Hansen, David V;
    • Tessier-Lavigne, Marc;
    • Mayeux, Richard;
    • Pericak-Vance, Margaret;
    • Haines, Jonathan;
    • Farrer, Lindsay A;
    • Schellenberg, Gerard D;
    • Goate, Alison;
    • Behrens, Timothy W
    Publication type: