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  • A physiologically based approach for degree-day calculation in pest phenology models: the case of the European Corn Borer ( Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) in Northern Italy.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Biometeorology, 2012, v. 56, n. 4, p. 653, doi. 10.1007/s00484-011-0464-z
    • Maiorano, Andrea
    Publication type:
  • Temperature chaos is present in off-equilibrium spin-glass dynamics.

    Published in:
    Communications Physics, 2021, v. 4, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s42005-021-00565-9
    • Baity-Jesi, Marco;
    • Calore, Enrico;
    • Cruz, Andrés;
    • Fernandez, Luis Antonio;
    • Gil-Narvion, José Miguel;
    • Gonzalez-Adalid Pemartin, Isidoro;
    • Gordillo-Guerrero, Antonio;
    • Iñiguez, David;
    • Maiorano, Andrea;
    • Marinari, Enzo;
    • Martin-Mayor, Víctor;
    • Moreno-Gordo, Javier;
    • Muñoz-Sudupe, Antonio;
    • Navarro, Denis;
    • Paga, Ilaria;
    • Parisi, Giorgio;
    • Perez-Gaviro, Sergio;
    • Ricci-Tersenghi, Federico;
    • Ruiz-Lorenzo, Juan Jesús;
    • Schifano, Sebastiano Fabio
    Publication type:
  • Horizon Scanning for Plant Health: report on 2017‐2020 activities.

    Published in:
    EFSA Supporting Publications, 2021, v. 18, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/sp.efsa.2021.EN-2010
    • Mannino, Maria Rosaria;
    • Larenaudie, Magali;
    • Patrick Linge, Jens;
    • Candresse, Thierry;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • John Jeger, Michael;
    • Gachet, Emmanuel;
    • Maiorano, Andrea;
    • Guajardo, Irene Muñoz;
    • Stancanelli, Giuseppe
    Publication type:
  • Climate change impact and adaptation for wheat protein.

    Published in:
    Global Change Biology, 2019, v. 25, n. 1, p. 155, doi. 10.1111/gcb.14481
    • Asseng, Senthold;
    • Martre, Pierre;
    • Maiorano, Andrea;
    • Rötter, Reimund P.;
    • O'Leary, Garry J.;
    • Fitzgerald, Glenn J.;
    • Girousse, Christine;
    • Motzo, Rosella;
    • Giunta, Francesco;
    • Babar, M. Ali;
    • Reynolds, Matthew P.;
    • Kheir, Ahmed M. S.;
    • Thorburn, Peter J.;
    • Waha, Katharina;
    • Ruane, Alex C.;
    • Aggarwal, Pramod K.;
    • Ahmed, Mukhtar;
    • Balkovič, Juraj;
    • Basso, Bruno;
    • Biernath, Christian
    Publication type:
  • Using reanalysis in crop monitoring and forecasting systems for Europe.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2018, v. 20, p. 1793
    • Toreti, Andrea;
    • Maiorano, Andrea;
    • De Sanctis, Giacomo;
    • Webber, Heidi;
    • Ruane, Alexander C.;
    • Fumagalli, Davide;
    • Ceglar, Andrej;
    • Niemeyer, Stefan;
    • Zampieri, Matteo
    Publication type:
  • SCAN‐Clim: a tool to support pest climate suitability analysis based on climate classification.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2022, v. 20, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2022.7104
    • Maiorano, Andrea
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of Leucinodes orbonalis.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6890
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas-Cortes, Juan A.;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans-Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Gregoire, Jean-Claude;
    • Malumphy, Chris;
    • Czwienczek, Ewelina;
    • Maiorano, Andrea
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of Colletotrichum plurivorum.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2021, v. 19, n. 11, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6886
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas-Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Thulke, Hans-Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Migheli, Quirico;
    • Vloutoglou, Irene;
    • Campese, Caterina;
    • Maiorano, Andrea
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of Leptinotarsa decemlineata.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2020, v. 18, n. 12, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6359
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen‐Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie‐Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas‐Cortes, Juan A;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Thulke, Hans‐Hermann;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Kertesz, Virag;
    • Maiorano, Andrea
    Publication type:
  • Pest categorisation of Saperda tridentata.

    Published in:
    EFSA Journal, 2020, v. 18, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.5940
    • Bragard, Claude;
    • Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina;
    • Di Serio, Francesco;
    • Gonthier, Paolo;
    • Jacques, Marie-Agnès;
    • Jaques Miret, Josep Anton;
    • Justesen, Annemarie Fejer;
    • MacLeod, Alan;
    • Magnusson, Christer Sven;
    • Milonas, Panagiotis;
    • Navas-Cortés, Juan A.;
    • Parnell, Stephen;
    • Potting, Roel;
    • Reignault, Philippe Lucien;
    • Van der Werf, Wopke;
    • Civera, Antonio Vicent;
    • Yuen, Jonathan;
    • Zappalà, Lucia;
    • Evans, Hugh;
    • Maiorano, Andrea
    Publication type: