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  • Intrahepatic immune changes after hepatitis c virus eradication by direct‐acting antiviral therapy.

    Published in:
    Liver International, 2020, v. 40, n. 1, p. 74, doi. 10.1111/liv.14226
    • Amaddeo, Giuliana;
    • Nguyen, Cong Trung;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Mulé, Sebastien;
    • Luciani, Alain;
    • Machou, Camilia;
    • Rodrigues, Aurélie;
    • Regnault, Hélène;
    • Mallat, Ariane;
    • Laurent, Alexis;
    • Lafdil, Fouad;
    • Hézode, Christophe;
    • Pawlotsky, Jean‐Michel;
    • Calderaro, Julien
    Publication type:
  • The Neuropilin-1/PKC axis promotes neuroendocrine differentiation and drug resistance of prostate cancer.

    Published in:
    British Journal of Cancer, 2023, v. 128, n. 5, p. 918, doi. 10.1038/s41416-022-02114-9
    • Blanc, Charly;
    • Moktefi, Anissa;
    • Jolly, Ariane;
    • de la Grange, Pierre;
    • Gay, Denise;
    • Nicolaiew, Nathalie;
    • Semprez, Fannie;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Soyeux, Pascale;
    • Firlej, Virginie;
    • Vacherot, Francis;
    • Destouches, Damien;
    • Amiche, Mohamed;
    • Terry, Stéphane;
    • de la Taille, Alexandre;
    • Londoño-Vallejo, Arturo;
    • Allory, Yves;
    • Delbé, Jean;
    • Hamma-Kourbali, Yamina
    Publication type:
  • Proviral role of human respiratory epithelial cell‐derived small extracellular vesicles in SARS‐CoV‐2 infection.

    Published in:
    Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 2022, v. 11, n. 10, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/jev2.12269
    • Berry, François;
    • Morin‐Dewaele, Margot;
    • Majidipur, Amene;
    • Jamet, Thibaud;
    • Bartier, Sophie;
    • Ignjatovic, Eva;
    • Toniutti, Donatella;
    • Gaspar Lopes, Jeanne;
    • Soyeux‐Porte, Pascale;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Saldana, Carolina;
    • Brillet, Rozenn;
    • Ahnou, Nazim;
    • Softic, Laurent;
    • Couturaud, Benoit;
    • Huet, Éric;
    • Ahmed‐Belkacem, Abdelhakim;
    • Fourati, Slim;
    • Louis, Bruno;
    • Coste, André
    Publication type:
  • Progression‐associated molecular changes in basal/squamous and sarcomatoid bladder carcinogenesis.

    Published in:
    Journal of Pathology, 2023, v. 259, n. 4, p. 455, doi. 10.1002/path.6060
    • Fontugne, Jacqueline;
    • Wong, Jennifer;
    • Cabel, Luc;
    • Neyret‐Kahn, Hélène;
    • Karboul, Narjesse;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Rapinat, Audrey;
    • Gentien, David;
    • Nicolas, André;
    • Baulande, Sylvain;
    • Sibony, Mathilde;
    • Bernard‐Pierrot, Isabelle;
    • Radvanyi, François;
    • Allory, Yves
    Publication type:
  • Multilayer spectrum of intratumoral heterogeneity in basal bladder cancer.

    Published in:
    Journal of Pathology, 2022, v. 256, n. 1, p. 108, doi. 10.1002/path.5813
    • Sirab, Nanor;
    • Drubay, Damien;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Popova, Tatiana;
    • Ngo, Carine;
    • Gentien, David;
    • Moktefi, Anissa;
    • Soyeux‐Porte, Pascale;
    • Pelletier, Romain;
    • Reyes, Cécile;
    • Henry, Emilie;
    • Pouessel, Damien;
    • Vordos, Dimitri;
    • Lebret, Thierry;
    • de Reyniès, Aurélien;
    • Paoletti, Xavier;
    • Radvanyi, François;
    • Allory, Yves
    Publication type:
  • CDKN2A homozygous deletion is associated with muscle invasion in FGFR3-mutated urothelial bladder carcinoma.

    Published in:
    Journal of Pathology, 2012, v. 227, n. 3, p. 315, doi. 10.1002/path.4017
    • Rebouissou, Sandra;
    • Hérault, Aurélie;
    • Letouzé, Eric;
    • Neuzillet, Yann;
    • Laplanche, Agnès;
    • Ofualuka, Karina;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Leroy, Karen;
    • Riou, Audrey;
    • Lepage, May-Linda;
    • Vordos, Dimitri;
    • de la Taille, Alexandre;
    • Denoux, Yves;
    • Sibony, Mathilde;
    • Guyon, Frédéric;
    • Lebret, Thierry;
    • Benhamou, Simone;
    • Allory, Yves;
    • Radvanyi, François
    Publication type:
  • EGFR as a potential therapeutic target for a subset of muscle-invasive bladder cancers presenting a basal-like phenotype.

    Published in:
    Science Translational Medicine, 2014, v. 6, n. 244, p. 1, doi. 10.1126/scitranslmed.3008970
    • Rebouissou, Sandra;
    • Bernard-Pierrot, Isabelle;
    • de Reyniès, Aurélien;
    • Lepage, May-Linda;
    • Krucker, Clémentine;
    • Chapeaublanc, Elodie;
    • Hérault, Aurélie;
    • Kamoun, Aurélie;
    • Caillault, Aurélie;
    • Letouzé, Eric;
    • Elarouci, Nabila;
    • Neuzillet, Yann;
    • Denoux, Yves;
    • Molinié, Vincent;
    • Vordos, Dimitri;
    • Laplanche, Agnès;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Soyeux, Pascale;
    • Ofualuka, Karina;
    • Reyal, Fabien
    Publication type:
  • Clinical value of ERG, TFF3, and SPINK1 for molecular subtyping of prostate cancer.

    Published in:
    Cancer (0008543X), 2015, v. 121, n. 9, p. 1422, doi. 10.1002/cncr.29233
    • Terry, Stéphane;
    • Nicolaiew, Nathalie;
    • Basset, Victor;
    • Semprez, Fannie;
    • Soyeux, Pascale;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Vacherot, Francis;
    • Ploussard, Guillaume;
    • Londoño‐Vallejo, Arturo;
    • de la Taille, Alexandre;
    • Allory, Yves
    Publication type:
  • A deep learning model to predict RNA-Seq expression of tumours from whole slide images.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2020, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-020-17678-4
    • Schmauch, Benoît;
    • Romagnoni, Alberto;
    • Pronier, Elodie;
    • Saillard, Charlie;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Calderaro, Julien;
    • Kamoun, Aurélie;
    • Sefta, Meriem;
    • Toldo, Sylvain;
    • Zaslavskiy, Mikhail;
    • Clozel, Thomas;
    • Moarii, Matahi;
    • Courtiol, Pierre;
    • Wainrib, Gilles
    Publication type:
  • Automated DNA, RNA, and Protein Extraction from Urine for Biobanking.

    Published in:
    Journal of Biomolecular Techniques, 2022, v. 33, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.7171/3fc1f5fe.9e4e4f65
    • Barau, Caroline;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Sirab, Nanor;
    • Ghaleh, Bijan;
    • Allory, Yves
    Publication type:
  • Inflammation in benign prostatic hyperplasia: A 282 patients' immunohistochemical analysis.

    Published in:
    Prostate, 2009, v. 69, n. 16, p. 1774, doi. 10.1002/pros.21027
    • Robert, Grégoire;
    • Descazeaud, Aurélien;
    • Nicolaïew, Nathalie;
    • Terry, Stéphane;
    • Sirab, Nanor;
    • Vacherot, Francis;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Allory, Yves;
    • de la Taille, Alexandre
    Publication type:
  • SMARCB1/INI1 inactivation in renal medullary carcinoma.

    Published in:
    Histopathology, 2012, v. 61, n. 3, p. 428, doi. 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2012.04228.x
    • Calderaro, Julien;
    • Moroch, Julien;
    • Pierron, Gaelle;
    • Pedeutour, Florence;
    • Grison, Camille;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Soyeux, Pascale;
    • de la Taille, Alexandre;
    • Couturier, Jérome;
    • Vieillefond, Annick;
    • Rousselet, Marie Christine;
    • Delattre, Olivier;
    • Allory, Yves
    Publication type:
  • TYRO3 as a molecular target for growth inhibition and apoptosis induction in bladder cancer.

    Published in:
    • Dufour, Florent;
    • Silina, Linda;
    • Neyret-Kahn, Hélène;
    • Moreno-Vega, Aura;
    • Krucker, Clémentine;
    • Karboul, Narjesse;
    • Dorland-Galliot, Marion;
    • Maillé, Pascale;
    • Chapeaublanc, Elodie;
    • Allory, Yves;
    • Stransky, Nicolas;
    • Haegel, Hélène;
    • Menguy, Thierry;
    • Duong, Vanessa;
    • Radvanyi, François;
    • Bernard-Pierrot, Isabelle
    Publication type:
    journal article