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  • Proteomics of rimmed vacuoles define new risk allele in inclusion body myositis.

    Published in:
    • Güttsches, Anne‐Katrin;
    • Brady, Stefen;
    • Krause, Kathryn;
    • Maerkens, Alexandra;
    • Uszkoreit, Julian;
    • Eisenacher, Martin;
    • Schreiner, Anja;
    • Galozzi, Sara;
    • Mertens‐Rill, Janine;
    • Tegenthoff, Martin;
    • Holton, Janice L.;
    • Harms, Matthew B.;
    • Lloyd, Thomas E.;
    • Vorgerd, Matthias;
    • Weihl, Conrad C.;
    • Marcus, Katrin;
    • Kley, Rudolf A.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • New insights into the protein aggregation pathology in myotilinopathy by combined proteomic and immunolocalization analyses.

    Published in:
    Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 2016, v. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s40478-016-0280-0
    • Maerkens, A.;
    • Olivé, M.;
    • Schreiner, A.;
    • Feldkirchner, S.;
    • Schessl, J.;
    • Uszkoreit, J.;
    • Barkovits, K.;
    • Güttsches, A. K.;
    • Theis, V.;
    • Eisenacher, M.;
    • Tegenthoff, M.;
    • Goldfarb, L. G.;
    • Schröder, R.;
    • Schoser, B.;
    • van der Ven, P. F. M.;
    • Fürst, D. O.;
    • Vorgerd, M.;
    • Marcus, K.;
    • Kley, R. A.
    Publication type:
  • Myofibrillar instability exacerbated by acute exercise in filaminopathy.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2015, v. 24, n. 25, p. 7207, doi. 10.1093/hmg/ddv421
    • Chevessier, Frédéric;
    • Schuld, Julia;
    • Orfanos, Zacharias;
    • Plank, Anne-C.;
    • Wolf, Lucie;
    • Maerkens, Alexandra;
    • Unger, Andreas;
    • Schrehard, Ursula Schlötzer;
    • Kley, Rudolf A.;
    • Von Hörsten, Stephan;
    • Marcus, Katrin;
    • Linke, Wolfgang A.;
    • Vorgerd, Matthias;
    • van der Ven, Peter F. M.;
    • Fürst, Dieter O.;
    • Schröder, Rolf
    Publication type: